"Aleph-1, accepting the continuum hypothesis as axiomatic!"
And so on, until Brett suggested that we set up an accurate scale model and put the question to an empirical test.
It turns out that the number of angels on the head of the pin varies quite a lot with the style of dance. In retrospect, we should have avoided the thrash metal. But no-one was hurt and we all learned a valuable lesson.
...angels are smaller and stringier than I had imagined...
They exude thread from spinnerets.
My blog roll thinks you guys haven't posted anything gnu in the last 5 days.
And here you are, with angel spiders!
Yeah. The feed seems to confuse Google Reader too. Gets stuck. Much like an angel who, dancing on the head of a pin became tired and decided to just sit down...
Likewise, feedwise.
But I must take this opportunity to appreciate SmutC for his gentle correction.
We pay extra to Google to sabotage the blog-roll feed, just to keep away you disreputable people.
Ahh. It appears that Riddled has also legislated against comparative effectiveness testing.
Now it's just a matter of outlawing re-importation of enlightenment woodcuts and you'll be at parity with the US Senate.
And hey, who wouldn't want that?
For insulting us with the comparison, mikey is banned AND fillibustered.
Yeah, well just wait til we get to Riddled reconciliation. 'Cause I'm pretty sure I've got at least eleven votes for breaking out the bong....
...how many mythical beings can depend from the pileus of a generalized basideomycete?
All of 'em.
(not that smut is generalized, of course - quite specialized in fact, as we all know)
(and without a pileus per se)
(not that there's anything wrong with that)
you bastards. You thieving bastards.
So you have been spying on me, and stolen Post #3 from my planned, epic, Great Phallic Moments In Architecture series of posts?
This will not sit well with the Z.A.R.D.O.Z. steering committee, I promise you.
You bloody bastards.
PS. Maybe I should have called Penicular Construction? Or Structural Choads, perhaps.
I also considered Monumental Dicks, but that seemed rude.
Fair use, Mr. Undead, fair use. ha ha ha.
Did you think we got into your dreams for fun???
So wait, the eyebrow guy was YOU?!
Also, Zombs: if that's what your peep looks like you might want to mail it to a doctor and have it checked out.
I also considered Monumental Dicks, but that seemed rude.
When they fall over due to gross architectural errors, that would be a Monumental Blunder.
Here goes Zombie again accusing people of stealing his ideas just because he:
a) has ideas and
b) I don't.
sophole indeed
Also, Zombs: if that's what your peep looks like you might want to mail it to a doctor and have it checked out.
nah, you just gotta keep picking off the little stringy guys.
The lab tests of your sperm sample have given some very unusual results, Mr Zombie.
Zombie sperm. The go right thru the spermicide, but then they go right past the egg looking for the BRAINS!!
Try as they might, the Liliputians could not bring Gulliver's erection under control.
Fish wins!
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