Sunday, March 21, 2010


He appears to be laying cable for a fibre-optic network.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

They both look like pervs to me.

Smut Clyde said...

It helps to know that back in the days, Gabbitas & Thring was the name of the leading UK teacher-recruitment company.
Now they're Gabbitas, Truman & Thring and they call themselves "educational consultants", which somehow isn't so funny.

mikey said...

See, here's the deal with this whole...

Hang on. My gabbitas is thringing....

fish said...

Will get moose and squirrel this time!

mikey said...

I'm beginning to fear that the forest is like a small hadron collider, and while Thring creeps around one way and Gabbitas creeps around the other, Gabbitas was actually an anti-Thring and when they eventually collided the annihilated in a burst of pure nincompoopery so powerful it rendered our hosts unable to function, hence the rather static nature of Riddled HQ these days....

Smut Clyde said...

a burst of pure nincompoopery so powerful it rendered our hosts unable to function

It can't have been the akvavit!

Substance McGravitas said...

Mikey should know from noncompoopery.

mikey said...

Indeed, I did my postdoc studies in nimcompoopery, focusing primarily on it's cosmological manifestations and impact on stellar lifecycles.

'Cause those interstellar exercise bikes are awesome!

Just Alison said...

Apropos of the illustration, thanks for the unexpected burst of Ronald Searle: I've got a marvellous novel from the 1950s illustrated by him, and he manages to sum up and ridicule the genteel englishman wonderfully well.

Smut Clyde said...

Inspired by the recent celebration of his 90th birthday.