Oh hi Daddy! It's not what it looks like! The bird had a slow puncture, and I was merely trying to reinflate it!
Heh heh. Do not try to fool me, young lady, for I am not as green as I am cabbage-looking. I remember when your mother and I were courting, and I caught her doing exactly the same thing.

Yes, Daddy, we all know that story, how the zoo-keepers did not buy your explanation and the two of you are still barred from the aviary. You think it is a romantic tale but I would really not rather think of my parents infused with the flush of vitality and youthful impetuousness.
Well I may well have told the story already once or twice, but at least I don’t tell it with a mouthful of feathers.
Complete picture here.
Bird blood contains platelets so you’d think it would make black pudding, but the flavour is all wrong. I incline to blame it on bird red corpuscles containing nuclei, unlike mammalian corpuscles.
Platelets is why we don't pee in the sea.
I suppose it all tastes like raw chicken?
Now we know why the cat eventually got the tongue.
She obviously swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her...
Well, sure and they're hungry and all, but it would certainly be a LOT more civilized, not to mention much less frightening, if they were to USE platelets and forklets and knifelets and maybe even a freakin napkinlet...
Bird blood contains platelets so you’d think it would make black pudding
I don't think I would.
I like to think of black pudding as a blood clot with cereals mixed in.
I think of it as top of the food chain stuff.
I think of it as a relatively effective method for eliminating the evidence...
Real pros make it with their own blood...
pantly; a little hawt.
Bird blood contains platelets so you’d think it would make black pudding, but the flavour is all wrong.
Well, make it into a soup, and serve a multi-course sanguivorous meal.
Ha ha. You will not trick me into divulging my secret recipe for Bimler's Special Borscht that easily.
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