Monday, May 10, 2010

So much for the much-vaunted Interlattice

Can't find The 4th Dimension on the youtuba. I had to make my own, using a cardboard box, a coathanger, and the nearly-complete skeleton of a glyptodon.
Apparently all the cool kids are calling it "chronotopic anamorphosis".

Do these stripes make my ass look faster?


ckc (not kc) said...

Later, a man walks around a rock.

My heart was in my mouth, I tell you.

Substance McGravitas said...

Really really unfair to show up at the track with Sleipnir.

Smut Clyde said...

I see no reason why anthropic Hindu deities should have a monopoly on multiple limb technology.

Hamish Mack said...

So, this horse goes into a bar and the barman says "Why the 8 legs?"

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

you realize this is going to trigger another of mikey's episodes, don't you?

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

heh. I said trigger.

I kill me.

Substance McGravitas said...

I see no reason why anthropic Hindu deities should have a monopoly on multiple limb technology.

You've gotta see the Hecatonchires play charades.

fish said...

Do these stripes make my ass look faster?

I believe that is a horse, not a donkey.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Do these stripes make my ass look faster?

Trading in your customary trebuchet for a jaunty little onager?

Vonnie said...

I've been staring at this and drooling for about six minutes.
your post has zombified me, I guess.

mikey said...

Nah, my nodding, somewhat tenuous association with emotional stability tends to be strained by people, particularly people on the telephone, more than imagery of this sort.

I mean, c'mon, I may be dangerously disturbed and desperately distracted, but it's not like I'm epileptic or something, y'know?

Smut Clyde said...

Trading in your customary trebuchet for a jaunty little onager?

I was advised not to get out of the boat for the mangonels.