Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You can't fool me young man, it's arseholes all the way down

In an update to our earlier "apologising for democracy story", posted quickly before AK steals it, Rodney Hide has weighed in, allowing us to use the Rodney's Hidden tag.

Now young Rodders speaks for the ACT party, who believe in minimising democratic freedoms like choosing governments while maximising economic freedoms such as (1) the right to starve if the only job available does not pay a subsistence wage; or (2) the right of corporations to privatise fresh water and sell it to the highest bidder (assuming there is any left after the farmers have taken what they want for irrigation & hosing out the cow-shed) without unfair competition from government suppliers. It's understandable that he should sympathise with the current Chinese government, who follow the same policies.*

Also understandable that after the Pry Minister's apology to China about a Member of Parliament trespassing on Parliament and inconveniencing their security guards, Rodney would demand that the MP in question should also apologise for aggressively placing his body in the way of the guards. No more of these unacceptable, disrespectful protests, please!**
In other news, a group of farmers marched on parliament demanding that farmers be exempt from carbon-emissions legislation. The present Emissions Trading law gives them an exemption until 2015, but being subsidised for 4-½ years by the rest of New Zealand is apparently not enough.

One might expect the ACT party to support the Emissions Trading Scheme since it's all about market solutions and creating a market in pollution quota, but apparently global climate change is disproved by Rodney's ideology so he's agin it.

An earlier demonstration in 2003, with farmers marching on parliament for the right to pollute, culminated with the Honourable Member for Cow-Cockiedom (then in opposition, now in government as Minister of Tucking Shirt Into Underpants) driving his tractor up parliament steps. According to the ACT party at the time, this was an example of protesting in a legitimate, acceptable way.

* Hide's "Charging-Families-for-the-Bullet-Used-in-Executions Bill", inspired by the Chinese justice system, remains at the stage of Select Committee hearings.

** "Members of Parliament [...] are in a privileged position and they shouldn’t exploit it."


mikey said...

I don't think you're giving the whole shirt-tucked-in-underpants thing a fair read.

There's something comforting in the smooth, taut fabric stretched tight across the bloated, hirsute American belly, pressing down tightly on the shoulders, stretched down into a few puckered wrinkles at the back of the belt.

It's a sense of being all put together, with all one's straps buckled and buckles tied, like a neatly closed hefty bag on top of an overflowing dumpster.

That elastic waistband provides a final, finishing touch that makes a man feel ready to lean casually to one side to pass a long, silent flatunlence in a crowded public house without even a shadow across his smile...

Unknown said...

...acid recall kicking in...now.

varbedom, kingdom of vampire Barbie beds.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Amazing how right-winger globe wide can be wrong about every effing thing - how does that work?

Except one thing...sucking up to the tycoon class. That's how it works.

Unknown said...

Damn I thought it was Raccoon Class.

sesectop, top secret fail.

Snag said...

Oy, the old family farmer trick. How can you regulate Mr. Green Jeans off the land that's been in his family for six generations? Except that Mr. Green Jeans is a contract producer for Archers-Daniel-Midland, or whatever the equivalent corporate suckhole is down New Zealand way.

Smut Clyde said...

Oddly enough, though the Crafar Farm group possessed the combination of blind stupidity and destructive malice that you expect from a corporate sinkhole, it did so while remaining a mum-&-dad family operation.

The author of the Whackyweedia page has a gift for words:
Crafar Farms was, according to New Zealand Farmers Weekly, New Zealand's largest family-owned dairy business.[1] It consists of 22 farms with 20,000 cows in the North Island and it was owned by Alan, Beth and Frank Crafar. From 2007 to 2010, the Crafar Farms become notable for multiple prosecutions for pollution offences, incidents of poor animal welfare, high indebtedness, receivership and the attempts of overseas-based interests to purchase the farms from the receiver.

The Crafars are a family of poster children for the Dunning-Kruger effect, and any of their statements to the press are worth seeking out as shining gems of self-righteous insight-free bullshit. Everything that went wrong, it was always someone else's fault. They are a national treasure.

Smut Clyde said...

A prime example (which I can't be arsed looking for at the moment) was Alan Crafar's explanation that although yes, he did plead guilty to one or other of the numerous water-pollution and starving-cows-to-death charges brought against him, he was not actually guilty (for some self-exculpatory reason that temporarily escape me) and would have won the case if he had chosen to plead innocent. The guilty plea was his lawyer's advice, so once again, SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT.