Friday, October 29, 2010

Know-it-all narwhals

Show offs.  As if we would believe temperatures obtained by narwhals. Where is the scientific rigour??? This is like the so-called figures of Iraqi deaths that were obtained by going around adding up the dead people!!! Are we going to allow science to be hijacked by these pointy nosed sea-creatures...what's that ... powdered narwhal horn can put a smile on the face of the trouser snake???  Well they are obviously very important animals so it is going to be a real shame when they all die due to natural processes that have created a small amount of warming that will only affect a few fat cat liberals.
 Al Gore is fat.
UPDATE: Deltoid links to an article by Tim Blair, an Australian idiot,whose central point is Al Gore is fat.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Well they are obviously very important animals so it is going to be a real shame when they all die due to natural processes that have created a small amount of warming that will only affect a few fat cat liberals.
Al Gore is fat.

You've got the anti-science down, pat. In just two sentences. Can you believe we're about to put a bunch more of these people into our goobermint?

Substance McGravitas said...

Animals don't get enough credit. Think of all the work Clever Hans did to demonstrate that one infinity could be bigger than another.

mikey said...

A lesser known example of the 'Clever Hans' effect has become known in law enforcement circles as the 'Creepy mikey' effect, where I seem to give involuntary clues that cause women to run away when possible, and otherwise deploy their Mace...