Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Missionaries of gravity

Evidently one's career path within the Catholic Church is dependent upon body shape, with Oblate Orders reserved for the short squat ones (think of Thring, or Peter Lorre if you'd rather).

I have been unable to determine what happens to tall skinny Prolates like Gabbitas.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I am a bit concerned that this is NOT a Blue Oyster Cult lyric.

I start to wonder if I have to increase my hallucinogenic budget if I am to continue frequenting Riddled.

Fierce Pancakes and Balloon Men, indeed. Clean Steve. Panic Switch! Where were you? The Building!!

Hamish Mack said...

I'm assuming that the pickcher shown is the raiments of an oblate priest and that the grid patterning is a way to tap into the comicbook youff what read Spiderman and such.
This is all very "Down wiv the Kids" but will, inevitably, lead to trouble when the kids want to not have more kids.
Now the really fascinating bit is when we consider the role of salt in world history...

Unknown said...

Nice try, that's a de-spined kina (not an oyster). Inside there, speaking of sal, is the womb of the anima mundi.

Smut Clyde said...

BOC-lyric suggestions have been crowd-sourced. But as Merc has pointed out, they failed to sing about echinoderm boys.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

yes, you all disappoint me.

Unknown said...

Kina boys
kinda girls.

fish said...

I don't think the missionary position really has all that much meaning once radial symmetry comes into play.

Smut Clyde said...

The association with Peter Lorre in M was inspired by this case, in which the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate concealed one of their members for 15 years after he had raped a number of children in Canada and was fleeing from warrants for another list of rape charges.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Winnipeg lawyer Rheal Teffaine, who represents the Manitoba diocese of Churchill-Baie d’Hudson — which includes Baker Lake and Igloolik — said the diocese did not realize the extent of Dejaeger’s abuses.

Shocked, I tell you. Shocked!

Substance McGravitas said...

Two of those oblate blobs would be ever-so-molestable.

Smut Clyde said...

Commenters at TBogg have already remarked on Christine O'Donnell's fondness for wearing pearl necklaces.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Evidently one's career path within the Catholic Church is dependent upon body shape

So, do the Capuchins look like monkeys, or is it cups of coffee?

Commenters at TBogg have already remarked on Christine O'Donnell's fondness for wearing pearl necklaces.

I'll be in my bunk, zinc-ing the parrot.

tigris said...

I did not realized they had to get grids tattooed on their noggins before they got tonsured.