Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Much of New Zild Politics explained

One watched some Parliament TeeVee last night and noticed that the MP's in the background looked a little, shall we say, pumped up. Maybe an explanation here.
Sitting in her studio in the woods, surrounded by paints, pliers, a staple gun, and books on human anatomy, she talked about how annoying it is when “background”—movie-speak for extras—tamper with her art work. “An extra will look at an inflatable and say, ‘This is freaking me out!’ Or we hear tons of ‘This is my girlfriend!’ Or ‘Why did you take my girlfriend away?’ when you deflate them.” She went on, “Some of the extras get bored and mess with the dolls and steal their wigs, or cut the eyes out to be funny.” When you spend hours making a doll camera-ready, she said, “it doesn’t seem funny at all when an extra pretends that the dummy is giving him a blow job.”
Curse those human extras and their so-called humour.


Smut Clyde said...

Sitting in her studio in the woods, surrounded by paints, pliers, a staple gun, and books on human anatomy

Also a good description of AK's workplace.

Smut Clyde said...

“If you overinflate, you can create leaks”

Hamish Mack said...

Oi baint be aloud them pliers nor stapler guns, Sorr.

Smut Clyde said...

Don't forget the Russian Inflatable Missile-Launchers, which are not only cheaper than the real thing, but have the advantage that in times of peace you can hire them out to school fund-raisers as bouncy castles.

Not to mention inflatable reindeer. No, really, don't mention them, it gets merc worked up.