We can't show what happened later because, as a trained typographer, I can't bring myself to use the term "slash-fic". It should of course be "virgule-fic".
UPDATE: Everyone came up to the bridge and kicked the computer but they're still not getting a clear signal on the main viewscreen. Serves them right for buying cut-price gear from the Ferengi.

Serves them right for buying cut-price gear from the Ferengi.
The fact that the shipment came with a "City Lights Bookstore" address label should have been a dead giveaway....
...I want to get me some of them now-you-see-em-now-you-don't windows. Great for energy savings!
The way the disappearing windows work, ckc (not kc), we use the change-blindness phenomenon so you don't even notice the changes!
Like this one.
Come to think of it, change blindness works with animated GIF files too. New project.
...good election slogan - "Change you don't even notice!"
ckc (not kc), that hurts.
With all that kneeling going on why not make the ceilings lower?
Not kneeling. Quicksand.
Dunno which is more disturbing, catching S.C. using Star Dreck©™® references as if there were no tomorrow, or that I know what he's on about in the first place.
I couldn't get past "giving Uhuru the beans" and I don't even know what it means.
Nichelle Nichols did more than just about anyone to make racism seem utterly asinine. As Al Franken (channeling Strom Thurmond) said, "The pecker knows no bigotry!"
Giving beans = remonstrating with. Pointing out the ineffectiveness of the big screen. In this case Lieutenant. I. Think. We. Will. Not. Shop. There. Again.
or "That Hobbit movie gave beans to our sovereignty, ay?
God dammit.
I came out with some kind of double deep literary reference and I'm just a high school graduate from the fecking california public school system and I connected the ferenghi with Lawrence Ferlenghetti and did it, if I do say so, in a subtle and effective mother fucking fashion, and nobody even notices?
Ferlinghetti is nowhere near as fun as rotini.
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