Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A tad worrying

How much it costs to buy a congressional seat:
The projection by Public Campaign Action Fund, a watchdog group, breaks down to $4m for each seat at stake
Story here
I guess it's true that "your money is only as good as the things it buys"- seen on Comic Curmudgeon somewhere.
Are Americans sure that they want to have voting and all that fuss, how about just a race to spend the most and then the top splurger wins? Kiwis would love this style of campaign especially with an attached reality TV series which would mean a new race every year, but, hell, it would be ennertaining, amirite?


mikey said...

Nah, that's whack. Spending is a LOUSY spectator sport.

I think some kind of cage match. Downside being that's probably the only venue where eMeg wins.

I remember an OLD movie, musta been from the sixties, where the president and some swarthy tinpot dictator type had a disagreement, and somehow it was decided that the two heads of state would get dropped on a desert island and fight it out to the death. Actually, better than killing off a few thousand kids, but Obama's a bit of pansy, so I don't like our odds.

The cool thing I remember about that movie is the American president had this double side-by-side submachine gun. I never could figure out what the point of that was, but it was hella cool...

W/V warns of nigerian email that can cause joint pain

mikey said...

W/V warns of nigerian email that can cause joint pain: spram

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I remember an OLD movie, musta been from the sixties, where the president and some swarthy tinpot dictator type had a disagreement, and somehow it was decided that the two heads of state would get dropped on a desert island and fight it out to the death.

I thought that was Star Trek.

mikey said...

You warm my heart, Mr. Thunder (if that's your real name).

Now, you have no way of knowing this, but my entire Facebook persona is that of the Gorn.


So I do indeed smile at your thought....

Substance McGravitas said...

There's value in competitive eating contents. Incumbents would probably shorten their lifespans considerably so turnover would be assured. Also turnovers.

Smut Clyde said...

competitive eating contents

Happy to help.

Hamish Mack said...

So a normal morning tea in the Riddled cafeteria qualifies as an eating contest? I thought we were just paying homage to the sausages and baked beans that gave there lives so we might scoff them.

J— said...

Once corporations get tired of making, buying, and trading political candidates, they'll just run for office themselves. They are individuals, after all, and those corporate individuals founded in U.S. territory and formed at least 35 years ago can run for President.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I thought that was Star Trek.

Nah, that was just rough foreplay between Capt. Kirk and the green lizard gal.

WV- pupenus... why doesn't the emperor post comments here?