First, I will not be having with these reinvented Daleks. They do not look any more practical than the admittedly impractical earlier version, so this is just mucking around for the sake of change. Also if they are not the way I remember them from childhood then it is just WRONG.
Second, it is an interesting origin story the scriptwriters have introduced, what with missionaries in the future making their way from Earth to the Dalek planet Skaro and converting them to Christianity.
It appears that New Zealand is full of Daleks. Or else, a multitude of Jesus'...
Thunder's theory makes perfect sense, as the US will no longer allow Jesuses to immigrate. It seems they couldn't assimilate, and they were taking all the open messiah jobs, and those wounds required a tremendous amount of health care resources. On balance, we're really much better off if they just stay in mexico, or ecuador, or wherever they come from...
In the Antipodes, being a colony, all the Dr Who stories were re-written with happy endings and the darleks were friendly and Jesus was just alright and the Dr retired and went fishing and England became really friendly and non-divisive and we got ourselves a treaty and and and
tribe; silly real words
That's how I remember it too, merc.
It appears that New Zealand is full of Daleks.
Let me just say for the benefit of any US visitors that New Zealand is not full of oil drums. We have no oil drums at all here, OK? We are certainly not disguising them as Daleks.
I have few complaints about the new look Daleks. (Though perhaps the detachable plungers weren't that good an idea ...)
I will say Doctor Who hasn't been quite the same since the Beeb went to colour broadcasting.
It seems that Smut Clyde
Does not dig the new Daleks
He's stuck in the past.
Whaddaya mean, the new series?? You mean (gasp!) that my nieceling has got her sticky little fingers on - gasp!! - the second Matt Smith series???
She's only up to Volume 5.4.
the detachable plungers
Normally you need witchcraft to do that.
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