Thursday, October 28, 2010

When a firing really means a firing

When you work for a volcano you better do a good job. It is hard to bring a wrongful dismissal suit when you are a pile of cinders. I wonder if the "lava bonus" was worth it.


Jennifer said...

What a job!

Unfortunately, I think he oopsed on the chicken part. They have to be virginal chickens.

Smut Clyde said...

Pay me well and I will happily take on the onerous task of appeasing Wellington's earthquake spirits.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I will take the job of S.C.'s assistant. Clearly, one person can not be relied on to keep the volcano happy.

mikey said...

I just wish the Hayward Fault didn't run underneath my kitchen.

Can you do anything about that?

Smut Clyde said...

Obviously the guy was a reincarnation of Empedocles.

Substance McGravitas said...

They have to be virginal chickens.

He was 83! He couldn't keep fucking those chickens.

Smut Clyde said...

Can you do anything about that?

House-moving is work for trained professionals.

fish said...

Pay me well and I will happily take on the onerous task of appeasing Wellington's earthquake spirits.

I will take on the role of protecting the local virgins from SC. There is only one way to surely be safe...

fish said...

I just wish the Hayward Fault didn't run underneath my kitchen.

Can you do anything about that?

Steal his sneakers.