Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Good panels shame about the dialogue

An early example of the Fantastic Four Comic series has been found in a old shoe box in Southern Transnitria. The series was not very popular in this incarnation and I think that we see that the lack of speech bubbles and any discernible action are the problems.
There may be a proto- speech bubble in the second-to-last panel but it has been artfully turned into an orb that Rexius Willow and his wife Bobbit have defeated (I think). Or maybe they are at the beach and it is a beach ball.
Whatever the story is about it is obvious that it ends with a good old multi-party hanging which was the preferred ending for most stories of the time.


Unknown said...

/whispers/ I think that is the people who inhabit a certain blog...

Hamish Mack said...

The not private, residential location, you mean?
They been so conflicted by teh Hobbit schemozzle. "I luvz unions, except when they strike against Sir PJ, haaalllppp."

Smut Clyde said...

There are some speech ribbons in the three panels at the lower left, but no contents, which dates this cartoon to the Great Letterers' Strike of 1287.

Hamish Mack said...

AND there are three hangees. Hmmm they knew how to deal with industrial relations, ay?

Unknown said...

Yes. I am reading up on the 12th century, as you do, and find that hanging is the only effective way of achieving anything going forward as it were in as much to say that's 24 hours lets call it a day way...

Kathleen said...

Invisible Girl is the perfect superhero for the middle ages

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

See that's what happens when orbs get angry.

Substance McGravitas said...

'Tis clobberynge tyme.

mikey said...

I think the key lesson we can learn from our ongoing woodcut-based education is that in ye olde hystoricale days of yore, people would put just about any goddam thing they could find on their heads.

What the hell was that about? Was it just that skin cancer awareness was just that much greater, or was there some kind of weird religious taboo against exposing the top of your head?

W/V was concerned about falling over from thingie cancer, but then somebody ate his ATE: prostr

Hamish Mack said...

Well, Mikey it seems that in the days of yore and suchlike the opportunities for personal embellishment were pretty limited. I mean 1 cucumber down the codpiece is OK but a salted pineapple as well? I think not. Thus the average citizen could only cast their eyes upwards and ,once they regained their balance, they were confronted with ,as it were, empty advertising space.
With no automobile industry to speak of, try jazzing up a mule is all I'm sayin', they were forced by the invisible hand of fashion to put whatever they could sur les tetes, as we say at Riddled "Modern Living" magazine.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

How does one say "It's clobberin' time" in Old Church Slavonic?

Smut Clyde said...

I go to Andrey Kuznetsov's site for all my Old Church Slavonic Clobbering-time translations. Still looking for Glagolitic versions though.

Also, and too, Mrs N__B might like this Russian Polar-bear-related humour from the same artist.

Hamish Mack said...

I think that what we can mainly learn from that is "Farting on the cats will incur the wrath of the telephone repairman"

Smut Clyde said...

Language is not actually Old Church Slavonic, but it is a retro style that reverses the 1918 orthography reform (note e.g. the letter yat), and that is good enough for government work.