Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leaving on a jetplane --

-- Not much progress yet.
Lighting 'shambles' at Auckland Airport
Despite the use of the pejorative 's' word, the lighting didn't seem to be shambling very far.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Obviously, they need more wetas to turn the turbines on the generator.

Oh, for strike tags that worked.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I like cables, too.

Hamish Mack said...

Just once you forget to pay the power bill and everyone is on your arse.

tigris said...

Aukland airport and abattoir? Stick to the dark bits, mon frere.

Dragon-King Wangchuck said...

Why does Auckland need an airport anyways? It's not like those planes can land when they're all flying upside-down.

mikey said...

Ok, look, I may be overrating my experience in matters aerodynamic, but I have done my share of flying and I'm going to take the position that a shambling airplane will never reach rotational velocity and nothing, absolutely nothing good will come of this.

I would think even our resident zombie would suggest something faster and more directionally focused than shambling for airborne operations...

Smut Clyde said...

Aukland airport and abattoir?
I did not even mention the revolving knives.

ckc (not kc) said...

...the knights who say "(k)ning"

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I would think even our resident zombie would suggest something faster and more directionally focused than shambling for airborne operations

I did not expect to be the first one to mention trebuchets, not at this pub.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

"resident zombie"

It's a big improvement over the "resident evil" appellation that seems to be more common.

vacuumslayer said...

Where are you going? *nosy*