Thursday, November 11, 2010

Showing some restraint

One had not heard of Matthew Barney at all. Apparently he was good at American Football (which uses very little foot-ball contact but never mind) and now he is good at art. Because he ties himself up to do it.
Drawing Restraint is the process by which Barney obstructs his own artistic production through physical or psychological restraints, like ramps, elastic belts, trampolines or, on a grander scale, limousine cars and Japanese whale fleets.
If I don't get art then it's my fault, IMO but tying yourself up with a whaling fleet? The health and safety issues of being tied up in the presence of men who have been at sea for 6 months are enough to cast doubt on the wisdom of this art form. But he can then produce a picture here, which may use Orly Taitz (Mikey she's with another dude, sorry but you had to find out sometime).

"Drawing Restraint No 9 is a full-length film that he made with his life partner and mother of his daughter, the Icelandic pop pixie, Bjork.
He is married to a pixie and thus his children will be Orb-favoured. Although the exceptional article does make the statement ambiguous about Bjork being the mother or the daughter. Or maybe both, you know what those people are like!


Unknown said...

Now that is Art.

ckc (not kc) said...

"I started using the materials that I knew best, that were already a part of me,"...self-lubricating plastic

Now I want to be an artist!

Unknown said...

Just so no one is under any illusions...too much of that self loobing plastic and you're on the way to dereliction OK?

Substance McGravitas said...

Drawing Restraint 9 got lotsa laughs.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I rate for this post. Unrservedly.

Look, if you are married to Bjork, painting while restrained seems like the LEAST weird thing you will be doing.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Also, unreservedly. I blame the misspelling on the death of Frank Zappa.

Also, wv is gases. apparently wv is hanging out in the Old Entomologist toilet room.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

And this post lacks fake BOC lyrics. Consider yourselves on noticce, including THE ZOMBIES OF PINE COVE, if that is your real name and/or state of decomposition.

Smut Clyde said...

Previously reviewed here.

Hamish Mack said...

Well you know how long it takes for the stagecoach to get here with the news when its raining and all.
Does the film explore the pixie connection at all or do they cover it up???

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Orbly Taitz might be objectively pro-pixie, with a Gulliverean sense of humor.

Smut Clyde said...

Corresponding orbs.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Sadly No is dead to me.

Substance McGravitas said...

After this entertaining piece a doctor wrote in to the letters section complaining that Harper's had gotten the cremaster muscle all wrong. The editors were quite happy to admit that yes, they could admit that Barney's central metaphor was just a misunderstanding.

Substance McGravitas said...

I'd write a better sentence than that but I am busy drinking. AND I'M PREGNANT!

Smut Clyde said...

I would hesitate to call Bjork an "Icelandic pop pixie" to her face, especially not after a few shots of svarti dauði. In the event of a scuffle, she'd be a headbutter, then the broken bottles. She has that look.