Sunday, December 5, 2010

Antagonising the Horn

Evidently the Chinese authorities are willing to take on Silent Tristero's Empire, seeing it as a potential threat to their power. This will not end well.

The fact that they do not extend the same zero-tolerance policy to accordions is proof of their distorted priorities.

Mind you, ever since Chinese scientists perfected the multicoloured Zorb, there has been no shaking the faith of the ruling Party in their technological capabilities.


justme said...

W.A.S.T.E. reference = win

Substance McGravitas said...

Mind you, ever since Chinese scientists perfected the multicoloured Zorb

What the hell? How did they do that?

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

The sign actually warns against wide-mouthed snakes.

WV- warpo... the "suppressed" Marx brother.

vacuumslayer said...

And they ENCOURAGE kazoo-playing. *shakes head*