Smut, disturbed, not impressed.

Their cavalier attitude is disturbing and unimpressive, but I console myself with the thought that tomorrow they'll be back to obsessing about the current president being a non-white person and about the dangerously undemocratic influence wielded by Hollywood stars and left-leaning billionaires.
Oprah Winfrey is named as a possible role model for the future non-presidential Sarah Palin, so here are a lot of O faces.

I can hardly wait for Sarah Palin's book review shows.
I have written several letters to Oprah to see if she could negotiate a better settlement with BP over the Gulf spill.
Oprah Winfrey is named as a possible role model for the future non-presidential Sarah Palin
Not content with grossing people out with vaginas in jars and Tokyo Gore Police, smut, in desperation, turns to mentioning mean-eyed banshee Sarah PAlin in the same entry as orgasms.
Shan't be back!
Totally mean it this time!
I don't think shan't means what people think it means.
I'll take a shanty thanks.
I always thought "Shan't" was a synonym for constipation...
Sarahs Palin's book review: "I've read 'em all"
I'll take a shanty thanks.
"What shall we do with the drunken Sailor"?
No, wait, come to think of it your suggestions are not needed.
Restoration of the two apostrophes in "sha'n't" shall be mandatory when I am world dictator.
...wou'l'd'n't that be restoration of one apostrophe?
ckc can be Punctuation Nazi in the S.C. Regime.
"Restoration of the two apostrophes in "sha'n't" shall be mandatory when I am world dictator."
I, for one, will welcome my new anachronistic spelling nazi long as he makes with the Bloom County references.
That whole "lean back and poke" no-hands approach to coitus is all well and good for a couple of skinny teenagers, but it's probably best that we, as older, more oblong - shaped humans, to recognize that nothing good can come of this. At best, we cramp up, and at worst, we find that we've "Fallen out and can't get back in!". Leaving everyone involved cranky and unsatisfied.
Otherwise? It's all good. DOO carry on...
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