Recall J. G. Ballard's
Pushme-pullyou theory of the earlier stages in human evolution:

In a dramatic development, it transpires that archaic, more symmetrical species of human beings have managed to survive into the modern day!
They have kept themselves concealed from science by staying within the confines of the Vatican City, where they are respected and well-remunerated in their traditional role as lacrosse referees.

Here the ref. is reminding the Pope about the exact wording of the offside rule. He will be headed for the penalty box if he continues to argue, joining the two Cardinal players and the Dominican who are there already for brawling. There is no room for Jesuit sophistry on the lacrosse field.
...that rock has a notch in it, the cleric is evidently only able to play the keyboard with two fingers
cv notifie ...yeah, yeah - the cheque's in the mail
where they are respected and well-remunerated in their traditional role as lacrosse referees.
Obvious bottom feeders.
"Well,as we can see from the yellow edged book this is the version of the Lacrosse rules ratified at Aix-en-Provence in 1409 which will be where Il Popo has been caught out as he is playing by the Venetian Conference rules from 1388.
He shouldn't be raising two fingers to the ref, though as that will only end with his liver onna plate.
The fielders should be closer to the batsman"
You managed to beat M.B. to the grain alcohol punch, gentlefiends.
But you should not rest on your Laurel and Hardys!
A lost sacral skull... well, I know plenty of people who have their heads up their asses.
you should not rest on your Laurel and Hardys!
I am assuming that this is your quaint midwestern rhyming slang for Cardies.
The pope has no patience with the ref, who he believes is talking out his ass again...
...that rock has a notch in it
So the pope can look at God's ass-face through it.
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