is a special circle of Hell set aside for people who wear Speedos.

Speedo-wearers are condemned to spend eternity making Gary Larson 'surprise' expressions.

Here are some angels inspecting ladies for non-speedo-wearing. I am worried about the angel at the lower left. He could easily put an eye out.
Here are some angels inspecting ladies
Valid for some values of 'ladies'. Tweens more like it. Does not having states mean there's no Mann Act in upside downy land?
The redhead at bottom right is smokin hot and, no dupe she, she's making her selected babe sit on the ground. Those other folks having bought the whole "carry me around on your forearm like some kind of mindless Offensive Tackle and I'll get nakes, kay?" ruse and instead is more interested in getting funky...
Considering how hot it's supposed to be in hell, at least teh Speedo wearers won't be overdressed.
Well, now, they up and call me Speedo, but my real name is Mr. Earl.
*pictures fat, frumpy, cats eye-glasses, beehive hairdo-wearing lady in speedos...stops thinking that immediAtely*
There should be a Thpeedos Thong.
how hot it's supposed to be in hell
I am given to understand that even the rails leading there are hot.
That's what Ruby told me...
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