Friday, September 9, 2011

Berry good

Riddled Gentenics laboratory is again cutting the edge in terms of big berries. The Tayberries are bursting into production and we can see that silly Smut Clyde has eaten two and fallen down. Tigris is simultaneously signalling, time out, Lawks a'mercy in sign language and calling in a helicopter.
Brave AK (hubba bubba boots) is counting the berries to see if there are enough for the Christmas Ale and the Orphans and Widows pies. They need some berries to overcome the Orphans bitter taste.


Smut Clyde said...


mikey said...

It never fails to surprise me to discover what people, barely a few hundred years removed from my own pathetic existence, would find that could distract them from screwing.

Here you have lots of naked people, with a veritable multiplicity of orifices, finding themselves utterly distracted by berries.

People. You can eat ANYTIME. The moment when you can, to borrow a phrase, bang a gong, is to be embraced.

Did I ever tell you what happens when you stay too long and the crisco oil begins to go over?

Yep. THAT'S the moment you want to pursue....

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Tigris is simultaneously signalling, time out, Lawks a'mercy in sign language and calling in a helicopter.

Is there no help for the widow's son?

Whale Chowder said...

Well NOW we know why Smut Clyde needs the kneepads.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

mikey sees nekkid people?

Substance McGravitas said...

we can see that silly Smut Clyde has eaten two and fallen down

Did he fall or was he PUSHED to drink many pints earlier in the day?

Hamish Mack said...

Pushed in the sense of,"Get out of the way, Smut is having elevenses!"

Smut Clyde said...

Three pints is only 11 if you are using binary.