Thursday, December 29, 2011


“Every barrel of oil that comes out of those sands in Canada is a barrel of oil that we don’t have to buy from a foreign source,” Mr. Perry said in Clarinda, earning a loud round of enthusiastic applause.
North Texan residents should get used to placenames like 'Amarillo Cuchillo' rather than 'Yellowknife'.

The literary precedents also suggest an investment in a powered exoskeleton.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

The literary precedents also suggest an investment in a powered exoskeleton.

That's the last thing Perry needs, a supplemental brain would do him wonders, though.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

But spending a day observing how the crowds react to the candidates can be just as instructive.

Michael Shear, that word 'instructive'...

Substance McGravitas said...

There is in fact a bit of a convention that Canada isn't "foreign" and is in fact just over there where nobody has to think about it much.* Maybe it comes from postal rates or publishing info, where "US & Canada" were distinguished from all other noxious parts of the world.

*And that is stretching the amount of thought Canada is given. Mind you, OIL.

fish said...
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El Manquécito said...

There is in fact a bit of a convention that Canada isn't "foreign"

And this is how Irving and Tim Horton can proceed with their stealth reconquista.

fish said...

Oh we think about y'all. We even wrote a song about you.

Rachel said...

This gives an idea of the scale of operations up at Fort McMurray (where the oil sands are). Click on the second "How I got my tractor back..." then click down the white bars at the left.

What's happening is an insanely huge machine scooped up a dozer by

Substance McGravitas said...

See also.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

"Canadian" best seller. They sold the copy!

Substance McGravitas said...

We already had a colouring book.

Rachel said...

Is that last pic how they used to animate neon forms?!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I thought fish was going to link Weird Al.

wiley said...

Does Texas have any oil left? Not much if it do.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

and is in fact just over there where nobody has to think about it much.*

Aca? Nada!