Friday, December 30, 2011

Pushing the Envelope

I realise that anyone buying stamps these days rather than e-mailing or Twaddling or Facepalming is probably of a certain get-off-my-lawn vintage. So it makes perfect business sense for the New Zealand Post Office to target that generation and their rose-tinted-hindsight nostalgia for the better days of the past, with special stamp issues commemorating television programs of four or five decades ago.

I also realise that there were not many programs available to commemorate. The options being further limited by the fact that you can't issue special Dr Who stamps, which the prospective customers cannot buy while they are trying to hide behind anything in the Post Office that looks like a sofa. Even so, some TV programs really don't deserve the coverage; there are reasons why they only lasted for two episodes.
In particular, "The Adventures of Scott the Repo Skeleton". It may have been cutting-edge marionette technology for the day but the characters were completely implausible.

I am COMPLETELY NOT BITTER that the NZPO ignored my suggestion about enhancing the nostalgia value of the stamps by coating the backs with special Fanta- and Topsy Iceblock-flavoured mucilage (recipe available for licensing from Riddled Research Laboratory).


M. Bouffant said...

Surprised you didn't suggest acid for the backs of the stamps.

Smut Clyde said...

M. Bouffant is a traditionalist.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Never get into a stick fight with a skeleton without your stick.

Jennifer said...

I didn't realize Gerry Anderson's work went back that far.

Rachel said...

"Cutting edge"??? The re-production values look pretty crappy, sir!

mikey said...

I'm with Bouffant. As Mister Smut so astutely points out, the demand for actual postage has all but dried up, but there is an ever-present groundswell of demand for ironically illustrated blotter in the range of 800mcg per. This has always seemed to me to be the perfect increment, and three of them bring you comfortably over the 2000mic threshold where the real discoveries are to be made.

I know I'm late to this, but I was busy in Samoa helping them move the International Dateline (they had beer and a rental truck), so happy Gnu Year to my favorite upside downers!


Smut Clyde said...

New title (because I can).
Happy New Year, mikey!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

he options being further limited by the fact that you can't issue special Dr Who stamps

How the hell am I going to mail a postcard to Rigel 4 now?

Hey, Eastern Hemisphere people, don't use up all the New Year before we Western Hemisphere people have a chance.

Hamish Mack said...

Ha ha, like New Year is SO over.
Merry Happy to all. I may post again soon, iffen the chaise longue is shifted closer to the typewritter. Also the Gin and Tonic is keeping the mosquitoes away, by god, but is not conducive to actual effort and such.

wiley said...

That's something that might sound strange to the youngsters--- "You licked envelopes and stamps! Am I hearing you right?! You LICKED them? WHY? What could you possibly get out of that?"

Rachel said...

Are these figures cut-out from tracings perhaps?

Long may yer lum reek!

Smut Clyde said...

Relevant to Rachel's interests.