Monday, February 6, 2012

Silk skin paws Hang by both feet

"The readers like these tales using animals to illustrate something else," tigris informed us in a totally non-directive way.

"We could put some animals together in an enclosure and record them until they do something Elly Gorical," said Another Kiwi.

"That didn't work so well the time we tried it with the mouse and the lion caught in the net," I pointed out.

"The mouse was supposed to chew through the mesh and liberate the lion," Another Kiwi complained; "not burrow into its abdomen. I am not sure that it was really a mouse."

"It would cut down on our exotic-animal expenses," said tigris, "if you just poked around with the Riddled Dream Machine until you found someone having a suitable nightmare. Perhaps something involving Alzabos and Ed Gein human-skin masks."
One could probably write a story to go with this Ellie Gorical Image, about a global television network trying to recruit the right kind of people to be their journalists and news announcers.

The names of the masks are The Hollower, Gaberlungi, Skogen, Lament, Falkenna, Silvering, Cunhaval, Moondream, Sinisalo and Morndun.


Laura said...

I wouldn't mind a sex-eh? James T. Kirk story! :P
I used to wish that they would travel back in time and pick me up to take me to the future with them.

Now Kirk is 80 so, he can stay away.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The names of the masks are The Hollower, Gaberlungi, Skogen, Lament, Falkenna, Silvering, Cunhaval, Moondream, Sinisalo and Morndun.

I coulda sweared I saw a Doocy, a Carlson, and a Kilmeade in there, too...

fish said...

I prefer the less common, but more intriguing eddie gorey.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Shatner also has problems with El, Laura.

Yeah, the tag SAYS no more wormwood beer before bed, but you Riddlers never seen to actually follow that.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Also, you've moved on to Wire lyrics now?

It's like I don't even know you anymore.

Helmut Monotreme said...

Is that a reference to the fiction works of Robert Holdstock or am I just imagining things?

fish said...

Yes and yes.

tigris said...

I suppose we could also fix the DNA splicer so the animals no longer come out as ribbons now that Christmas is over.

Hamish Mack said...

Mrs Cat and the Not-a-mouse have dragged a sheep in. Chops?

Smut Clyde said...

Also, you've moved on to Wire lyrics now?

Should've been paying attention.

Comment Deleted said...

Ok, well, nothing really to say, but I really like the way that whole thing become part of your identity...

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Why does Laura get to talk about her illicit love for Captain Kirk, but when I mention my crush on NNuSpock I get a bunch of grief and not a small number of eyebrow jokes? HUH?

fish said...

Duh, its CAPTAIN KIRK!!!

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

fish: has ginormous crush Captain Kirk.

This will be filed away for future use.