SMUTDATED with bonus playing-field irregularity inspired by AK's comment.
Background: The New Zealand Rugby Union is accused of favouritism toward the Otago Rugby team --
At Riddled we do not rate for the literal use of figures of speech, for throwing-under-bus-related activities are traumatic for the drivers and lead to delays on the #1 route when some of us might be trying to get home from the pub.
I see your point there
But I'm still not sure why the guy with the ridiculously large false nose is looking suspiciously inside it. Does he think maybe mice are nesting in there?
It never was a level playing feild.
Well, good progress was clearly made, but just for grins let me make a few more suggestions.
First, just placing random Pheasant Legs and baked potatoes here and there on the bar does not constitute "bar snacks". Think peanuts and tortilla chips, or at the very least put the food on plates. Trust me on this, people will just be more comfortable.
Next, those other service items? You see them there on the left, the teapot, the cookies, the cake server n shit? Yeah, that stuff. You can move that over to the bar - if you could actually, you know, SERVE these things you could add them to the bar tab...
You don't think it will compromise the Rustic nature of the OE, Mikey?
There a reputation for unfriendliness to maintain.
Sure, but efficiency is the greatest expression of customer abuse.
"I'll just close this ticket now. Thank you for contacting mikey support"....
It is not a level playing field.
I endorse Rugbycross.
A reliable architect wouldn't even work on a structure where the perspective is so out of whack.
Sir, the architect we contracted was the finest available in the Old Entomologist on "Choanocyte diversity in Porifera and all you can eat bread pudding night", Sir.
I am positive of that.
Not a bar, mikey. They are playing foodball, or air hokey (Typos?).
Probably foodball. The pheasant leg is used 'cause it slides farther. (Greasy buggers, pheasants.)
M. Bouffant has it. The photograph in fact shows the shuffleboard table at the Big Time brewpub in Seattle. This is in 2003, one evening after a session of the ICVS conference. Eriko Miyahara is about to climb onto the table and start dancing, and it will fall to me to talk her down again before the frat boys turn aggro. I am the one drinking the Old Sol wheatwine from the big glass and wondering what has happened to the vertical hold.
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