Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ziggy Stardust and the Humans from Mars

How many other blogs bring you stereo pairs of a new unnamed species of the Peacock Jumping spider, genus Maratus?
None many other blogs.

Between the eye-liner and the platform boots, preparations for the courtship dance take almost as long as the dance itself.

Other spiders disparage the Peacock spiders for their closed-minded, stuck-in-a-rut insistence on playing nothing but David Bowie music, and indeed only his albums up to Diamond Dogs, but those other genera are just as obsessive about Alice Cooper and early Who so they are in no position to criticise.

The red, blue and black colored males have flap-like extensions of the abdomen with white hairs that can be folded down. They are used for display during mating: the male raises his abdomen, then expands and raises the flaps so that the abdomen forms a white-fringed, circular field of color. The species, and indeed the whole genus Maratus have been compared to peacocks in this respect. The third pair of legs is also raised for display, showing a brush of black hairs and white tips. While approaching the female, the male will vibrate his abdomen while waving raised legs and tail, and dance from side to side.

Familiar behaviour from Singles Night at The Old Entomologist.


Smut Clyde said...

H/t Jürgen Otto, alias Peacockspiderman, purveyor of the Internet's best peacock-spider photographs and youtubers.

Hamish Mack said...

I do not know if there is a God, but if there is, She has an inordinate fondness for pipecleaners.

tigris said...


Substance McGravitas said...

The dance is like your ne'er-do-well relative going "WHAT? WHAT?"

Which evidently works because he is married.

Smut Clyde said...

Ceci n'est pas une pipecleaner, sir.

mikey said...

The red, blue and black colored males have flap-like extensions of the abdomen with white hairs that can be folded down...

Wow. That's an incredible coincidence.

So do I...

Smut Clyde said...

This is why mikey is not welcome at the Old Entomologist. He would steal our ladies.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I thought the gals at the Old Entomologist went for guys of greenish hue.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

This entire sketch is getting too silly.