Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mrs. Cat: Starey Christmas

We are not all that sure that the "Empathy toward all God's creatures" course is working all that well. Neither can we claim complete success in our programme of teaching her to speak Polari. I feel that she is only pretending to understand "Mrs. Cat how bona to vada your dolly old eek" and may be taking clues from my body positions. Hiding in the vacuum cleaner cupboard and talking through the key hole did not improve the results. So it has not been a stellar year for Mrs.Cat but as she often says "Where's the feckin' tuna, then?"


Smut Clyde said...

In the case of Mrs Spat, ""Empathy toward all God's creatures" boils down to "Oh, furry, what does it taste like inside?"

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

So Purty!

tigris said...

The problem with teaching her Polari is it's not directly translatable to either Catalan OR Meowri.

Substance McGravitas said...

Mrs. Cat you will be happy to know that the piano tuner will be here so OH MY GOD MY EYE

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

She's thinking "Where's my goddamn Santa hat?!" Get with it, AK!

(Beautiful cat, my friend.)

mikey said...

That is an AWESOME cat and I want to hug her but she frightens me.

Kind of reminds me of my experience with marriage...

Narad said...

Snacks are a prerequisite for the proper, affectionate infliction of deep puncture wounds.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

What a brilliant beast... I sure wouldn't mess with her, though!