Thursday, January 10, 2013

Death is part of Nature, and is therefore vacuum-abhorrent

This recently-discovered storyboard shows some of the stages that The Seventh Seal went though in the process of script development.
First, at left, we see Death trying to distract Max von Sydow's Knight during a game of Scrabble. Death is a poor loser and resents the verdict that 'BRAINZZ' is not a valid word -- not even if it crosses a triple-letter and a double-word-score square

I am not sure what is happening around the pinball table in the middle. I hope Death, the Knight and the Squire are not singing 'Pinball Wizard'. A Seventh Seal / Tommy mash-up is just not right.

Over on the right Death tries to beat the Knight's score on Wii Just-Dance. The Squire has cheated by stretching a bead curtain on the floor to make it more difficult. Max von Sydow is reaching for the vacuum cleaner "to clean up the mess" but really to arm himself.

"With a vacuum cleaner?" AK vouchsafed skeptically.

"He's Dyson with Death," I explained.


Hamish Mack said...

He's Dyson with Death
You, sir, are a MONSTA!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

His choice of weapon sucks.

tigris said...

Death and the Maytag?

mikey said...

Death appears to be wearing a pair of Jockey Brand white cotton briefs. I'm thinking that Death is unclear on the instructions from his image consultants...

fish said...

I like my death with a little more meat on the bones. I can't rule out they have been photoshopped, but it distorts the perceptions of beauty influencing our younger deaths.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

'BRAINZZ' is not a valid word

Well, not if he didn't spell it right.

Substance McGravitas said...

Because I could not roll for Death—
He kindly rolled for me—
The sides upon the Die were twelve—
He rolled a paltry three.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Bill and Ted playing Scrabble with Death.

Smut Clyde said...

Because I could not roll for Death—
He kindly rolled for me—

Ah, so Death is the DM.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

This recently-discovered storyboard shows some of the stages that The Seventh Seal went though in the process of script development.

At least they squashed Snow White and the Seven Seals early on in the creative process.

mikey said...

But c'mon, dammit.


alison said...

'BRAINZZ' is not a valid word

Well it's not, is it? Only if you're cheating & have pilfered (& concealed) a Z tile from another scrabble set!

Substance McGravitas said...

Super Scrabble has TWO.