Pics or it didn't happen.
UPDATE: Belgian Occupy-the-Beach-Beneath-the-Pavement extremists show how it's done!

The Doktorling was just the same when she was that age. A Disapproving Rabbit has nothing on a censorious six-year-old. Just
one little mix-up between haemorrhoid cream and superglue, and she never let me hear the last of it.
haemorrhoid cream
What, is there some kind of naturally-occurring surplus of vowels down there or something.
You certaeinlaey taende too uise thiem aexeissivailly...
Well, ya gotta admit that putting a torch to those insane fuckers is AWFULLY tempting.
What, is there some kind of naturally-occurring surplus of vowels down there or something.
They get all the vowels that the Welsh don't use.
So did you glue your buns together or did she prep-H a school project?
You see, that's why we don't let 6 year olds drink in Wisconsin. They just can't handle their liquor.
"Jury of your peers" vs. panel of six-year-olds. Hmm.
Due to a terrible misunderstanding, my case was heard before a Dury of my peers. I was convicted and sentenced to be hit with a rhythm stick.
If it was with the gimpy arm you're okay.
Oh,well your daughter is very silly. Everyone knows a little dab of superglue under the eyes really perks them up.
Yeah, we come her for fucking "Good Taste"
Behold the penury of my jeers.
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