Of course this is the downside of having all that room for shopping. While one is driving away Milton the Griffin with an improvised flywhisk to stop him nesting in the new chess-inspired hat or peeing on the emergency back-up birthday cake (as he is wont to do), the Library Pixies all seize the opportunity to crowd aboard. "Give us a ride to the dairy!" they plead, all sadbrowneyes, and one does not have the heart to say no, particularly if one is averse to being injured in mysterious book avalanches on one's next visit to the magazine stacks.

Here are two stills from the home movie we filmed when tigris lost control of the skateboard and careered through one door of the Christmas Ale maturation facility (which doubles as the Riddled Amateur Dramatics Society Costume Store), then out the other side festooned with all manner of paraphernalia. They are not a stereo pair; Riddled is not responsible for eye-strain or permanent strabismus caused by trying to fuse them. Across the corridor from the back door to the Costume Store is the entrance to the Props Room / Public Key Exchange Facility, so it was inevitable that tigris's path would take her through that as well (in accordance with the ironcast laws of physical comedy).
It was a mistake to let Mrs Cat ride on a skateboard. Especially after she had been indulging heavily in the catnip.
I'll assume the wings tigris is sporting are available through one Riddled subsidiary or another; do they come in other colors? Or dragon-style? (Feather allergy.)
Questions, S.C.!
1) Is this the first appearance of Snuggles, the Dog of Doom, at the Riddeled web log?
2) Where are Tigris' weapons?
Skate movies are required to have soundtracks.
That is a way, way better story than Gleaming The Cube.
I can't help but notice that the skateboard is, in a number of its iterations, formed in the shape of the San Francisco Bay Area. I can almost see my house in front of Tigris' left foot.
I would also add my voice to the chorus seeking details about that darling little scamp Snuggles, the Dawg of Dooooooooom...
Snuggles is a lick arse.
Oooh look in fig.5 where tigris holds a captured sun. There is a key and tin of mer-sardines. I wondered what would become of Thundra putting sea monkeys into the evolvamat.
I can almost see my house in front of Tigris' left foot.
Is this some sort of macrophiliac fantasy?
Not to mention, that carrot (or a turnip, perhaps) growing out her head, A.K.
I don't know how you do it, tigris. It looks like it would be exhausting to deal with this bizarre array of artifacts while skateboarding. Did you not want to punch the disembodied heads, because ZOMG!! WTF?! Fucking disembodied heads!Fuck you, disembodied heads!
Uh oh. Y'all may be in for it now.
The heads, like the wings, are available in the gift shop. They are meant to be sort of aide memoire/ipod combo thingies, but as their memories and singing voices are not so great punching may turn out to be the more common use. I do have to admit they were good for pointing out mikey's house so I didn't accidentally squish it.
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