Wednesday, May 8, 2013


A discontinued fast food pie is going to be re-introduced to these fair lands. Georgie Pie. This is apparently the news I have been waiting for, which is a surprise to me but much of life is a surprise to me these days.
However as you can see from the whackaloonapedia our fellow kiwis will be waddling down to MacDonald's for their pie fix as fast as they can waddle.  Because Maccas has the licence to make the pies,
I was certainly alive when these delicious pies were being sold but, to my shame , do not remember having eaten one. Myself and a fellow student tried to go to a GP shop but it was closed. I seem to remember that it was late and there was alcohol involved.
From the histoire d'pies it can be seen that the first Gp shop was in the Auckland suburb of Kelston and I lived there for a couple of years in the time of pies yet do not remember going there or even seeing the pie shop. It's like being the anti-Forest Gump in my life sometimes. We lived downstairs from the All Black (NZ national rugby team) captain for 6 months without knowing who he was. Once I even said good morning to him. Then there was the time that famous DJ Dr Rock chainsawed the wall of the same flat and told me it had been easier than he thought.
But anyway I'm unloading my gloom as my countrypersons start to go insane because they will be allowed to buy MacDonalds pies.
It's a brave new world, citizens!


Smut Clyde said...

Occasionally, genuine Georgie Pies come onto the market usually through New Zealand auction site Trademe.


A CEO at Progressive decided not to continue with planned expansion, based on his view that pies were unhealthy and demand for them would diminish.

Double what?

The sleeve allowed the pie to be eaten without being directly touched with the hand.

You wouldn't want *that*, would, you.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

A CEO at Progressive decided not to continue with planned expansion, based on his view that pies were unhealthy and demand for them would diminish.

What was his name? Over here in right-side upland, he would have been given a giant pay package to go ruin another corporation before starting his political career.

Substance McGravitas said...

"Bring Back Georgie Pie" badges and T-shirts were available from a Wellington-based "Kiwiana" retailer until McDonald's identified intellectual property concerns

Maybe there is now a market for "Don't Bring Back Georgie Pie" badges and T-shirts.

Michael Hyatt said...

The thing about McDougals is that all the various foodstuffs the purvey taste exactly alike, have the same texture and mass and differ only in physical form. So the Georgie Pie will simply be a Big Mac in a different form factor. I suspect the novelty will be short lived...

Smut Clyde said...

We have tried to interest McD's in buying the intellectual property rights for Mrs Miggins' Pie-Shaped Cuisine -- her Calamari Surprise is particularly good this week -- so far without success.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

A discontinued fast food pie is going to be re-introduced to these fair lands. Georgie Pie.

They ran out of people named George to mince up for pie filling.

From the histoire d'pies it can be seen that the first Gp shop was in the Auckland suburb of Kelston and I lived there for a couple of years in the time of pies

Gabriel García Márquez' Love in the Time of Pies was a magical read.