This surveillance blimp is enclosed within a scramble suit to mask all its identifying details. If onlookers should glimpse it, in the absence of any features lasting long enough to fix their vision upon they just think 'Oh, it must be a fish, or one of those Japanese kites or something" and look away in search of more satisfying optical fare.

In addition to depriving Dick of due credit, this has the side effect that people read "Cloak of Anarchy" and think "O hai, gubblement abolished... anarchy reigns supreme... that is our cue to turn up at the park with a lawnmower." And then it all ends in tears.
The crowd speculated in half whispers. What was it? Not part of a car, not an outboard motor, though it had blades, too small for a motor scooter; too big for a motor skateboard...Why is Ann Althouse fleeing from the surveillance drones? She obviously has something to hide.
"Lawn mover," said the white-haired lady next to me. She was one of those small, birdlike people who shrivel and grow weightless as they age, and live forever. Her words meant nothing to me. I was about to ask, when --
The lantern-jawed man finished his work, and twisted something and the motor started with a roar. Black smoke puffed out. In triumph he gripped the handles. Outside, it was a prison offense to build a working internal combustion machine. Here --
With the fire of dedication burning in his eyes, he wheeled his infernal machine across the grass. He left a path as flat as a rug. It was a Free Park, wasn't it?
The smell hit everyone at once: a black dirt in the air, a stink of half-burned hydrocarbons attacking the nose and eyes. I gasped and coughed. I'd never smelled anything like it.
The crescent crowd roared and converged.
He squawked when they picked up his machine. Someone found a switch and stopped it. Two men confiscated the tool kit and went to work with screwdriver and hammer. The owner objected. He picked up a heavy pair of pliers and tried to commit murder.
A copseye zapped him and the man with the hammer, and they both hit the lawn without bouncing. The rest of them pulled the lawn mower apart and bent and broke the pieces.
She's not even wearing a nudist's shoulder pouch.
When I'm feeling all alone,
I think of my surveillance drone.
Hi Blinky! Here's to you and I,
Searching robot, lonely guy.
Hi Blinky! Here's to you and I,
Searching robot, lonely guy.
Glenn Reynolds fanfic?
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