Dimly, as in a hallucination, Casher O'Neill could also see the little orbital ship in which the old horse cantered in mid-air, with an amused cadet sitting on his back."
Illustrating Cordwainer Smith stories has always been part of the Riddled mission statement.
UPDATE: A challenger appears! Drag-and-droppable for added racing excitement!

Do I detect a blooming obsession?
Nyancat needs a rocket of its own so it can outpace that damn horse.
Do I detect a blooming obsession?
Thomas Mann: "only the exhaustive can be truly interesting".
Does the race need other Muybridge horses that can be dragged-&-dropped onto it?
Speaking of blooming, is Casher any relation to Cashel Boyle O'Connell Fitzmaurice Tisdale Farrell? And Cordwainer should look to his cordwangle in relation to his moolies and grussets, according to Rambling Sid Rumpo.
More hot throbbing human centipede action.
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