Friday, July 22, 2016

Happy 21st Birthday, Doktorling Sonja!

This doesn't mean that we will let you drive the family car.
Even now the Frau Doktorin is festooning the house with balloons and glitter in preparation for your return from university.
Just don't feel obliged to shock us with a new piercing, or with a scanty costume like last time.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Happy, happy!

P.S. News from New Zed.

Another Kiwi said...

Yay for the Doktorling!

OBS said...

Happy birthday! 26 years and two days younger than this snob. I feel old.

rhwombat said...

Um. Is that last woodcut what I think it is?

J— said...

Happy happy to all!

Smut Clyde said...

Is that last woodcut what I think it is?

"Let's try to imagine what RHWombat sees in a woodcut," said absolutely no-one.
It is (as any fule kno) a 15th-century illustration for the "De Re Militari" of Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus. I think it depicts a kind of inflatable buoyancy belt, for sneaking into besieged ports and such.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Happy birthday! Now you are of legal drinking age in the United States, so come on over to NYC and we can drink beer while your pop, also drinking beer, delivers a lecture. First round's on me!

rhwombat said...

Smut: Hokay. So, not a chastity belt with integrated urinary catheter. That's a relief.
Wombat cogitates for several minutes.
Um. Inflatable what? As far as I know, rubber had yet to be introduced to Western so called civilization at that time. Is some poor, bladder deprived 15th-C pig wandering the shores of besieged ports? This probably explains the glaring lack of Venetian submarines.

rhwombat said...

This fule knos he rather likes the VTOL chariot of fire...though perhaps it is actually a medieval Black-Sea Monster?

M. Bouffant said...

I will not further embarrass the so young Doktorling (Is "Doktorling" still appropriate?) Sonja, but congrats to her for surviving to 21 in such circumstances, & way up there on top of the world too.