There is trouble here in the Shire, and bad feelings -- directed at our brash neighbours in Bree -- are running high enough for white-water-rafting adventure tourism. Specifically directed at the band of freetailers and coatloaders who comprise the Bree Honey industry. For our own Shire bee-vomit-merchandisers put in a great deal of effort of convince the rest of Middle-Earth that a particularly acrid, previously unsellable source of honey is in fact
good for you,

and therefore desirable, and because consumers are willing to pay stupidity-tax prices, it must therefore
taste better than other nectar products. They settled on the name "Manuka honey" because "Halflinguka" or "Hobbituka" just sounded daft, according to intensive consultation with what was meant to be a Focus group but turned out as a Ficus group on account of a minor spelling mistake.

And now the perfidious Bree-folk are claiming that just because the same plants grow there, contributing the same medicinal flavours to honey in the form of
methylwhatsit, they are equally entitled to make money from gullible numpties by selling them a
watered-down product! They are calling it
"elfuka" or "orcuta" to finesse our claims to legal protection of
appellation, but
Should be a commodity,
but a NZ-only commodity

It is a truth universally acknowledged that if a group of people are making a metric shitton of money from some manner of grift, then it becomes everyone else's responsibility to protect their income when it is threatened.
UMF, which represents a group of beekeepers, producers and exporters
that account for 75-80% of New Zealand's manuka honey sales, last year
applied to the Government to trademark the name manuka.
An English country estate cashing in on the lucrative manuka honey market has been given a stinging rebuke by Kiwi beekeepers who say, "You
can't call it manuka."
"Manuka is a Maori word and the
consumer, if you ask them, wants the imagery, the thoughts, the feeling
they get that this product comes from New Zealand."
John Rawcliffe -- spokesmanuka for the UMF Honey Association -- may not have intended to admit that the real product being sold is a fantasy, and the putative properties of the honey are window-dressing and persiflage.
I hear that a lot from the Frau Doktorin, usually in tones of outraged suspicion.
Belatedly UPDATED with
Bonus Weaponised Bees [courtesy of Lyle Zapato]

Sadly, here in the NY metro area, our most famous honey variety is now unavailable.
No more Red-Hook Honey! How will we replace that crucial ingredient for Christmas Ale?!
Another Kiwi did cover the original "Red Honey" story six years ago, but we missed out on the pot-growing side of the story.
Mwahahahahaha! At last, we evil Orstrayans will have our revenge on Fronterra, aka the Kiwi Milk Mafia (and if you've ever tried to milk a kiwi, you'll know how exclusive that club is), purveyors of fine botox to the Middle Kingdom. All your Buzzy Bees will belong to us !
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