Nu - Nice - crown - lukewarm college briefcase
Nu - Temple of the Tempura - Temple of the Tempura - Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Muayu - The grain of a crown of bread
Mutti - Sexy Eggs - Funny Pictures
Mud Mud Much - A Crown of Mud
Mud Mud - Everyday Evening Girls
Mudguyan - The Mud Blood
Inferiest Mud - Inexpensive Mustard - Inexpensive
Muddy Brown - Muddy Mustache - Inexpensive Must
Inner Muanion - In a crown of lukewarm - a fairy tale
Muay for a breadth of a cowboy - a fairy tale
Inevulable as a crocodile - a crown of bread
A fairy tale - a fairy tale - a fairy tale
A fairy tale - a fairy tale - a soothing crown - a fairy tale
A soothing crisp - a cookie's soothing cowboy
A fairy tale - a fairy tale
A soothing crisp - a cookie as a brief asleep -
A soothing cow - a cookie's solemn tree
A soothing crisp - a cookie's soothing nuisance
A crown of soothing soothing - a brief soothing crown
A soothing crisp - a cookie -
A soothing crisp - a cookie's soothing nuisance
Muddy soothing cranberries - In a crown of soy -
Muddy soothing cranberries - In a crown of soothing nourishment
Coherent soybean paste - In a crowd -
Muddy soothing cranberries - Muddy asleep
Muddy soothing cranberries - In a crowd
Elephant's solemn and cold soya
Coherent soybean paste - an inexanable cream
Coherent soya bean paste - an inexhaustible meat
Muddy Eye Crochet Flower Flowers
Elephant's solemn and elephant's sofa
Muddy ashes africa - an inexhaustible
Muddy Eye Short Sleeve Eye Shape
Elephant Crows Nothing Everyday Everyday Everyday
Must have a crowd as long as a cowboy. This product is not available in Chinese for now.
Easy going crazy thoroughly as long as you can not forget.

UPDATE: Japanese Horror Movies!
A lazy day
Marshy season
Menaceous menaceousness
Marshlands of menace
Matsushiro 's festival
Women's menstrual females, females, females, females
Make sure that it is not broken.
Leave as it is now
While still being pushing up
How do you get this kind of stuff? I've been playing around with nonsense Russian syllables, but haven't gotten much of interest.
Also I am intrigued by the thought of Mud Mud - Everyday Evening Girls.
Also too,
"Easy going crazy thoroughly as long as you can not forget"
Oh, and I couldn't sleep all last night and I still can't sleep and I read like three blog posts over at Pharyngula thinking it was Riddled I just thought you should know. Although I'm sure you didn't like The Bell Curve any more than PZ or I.
For some reason the Japanese syllabaries send Google Translate into a tail-spin when it encounters a long enough string of the same symbol. Also good results from claiming that the repeated syllables are in Hindu.
If you include diacriticals, the Translate "Detect language" option sometimes picks Romanian or Finnish. Hilarity results.
I read like three blog posts over at Pharyngula thinking it was Riddled I just thought you should know.
That's very flattering. Yes, everyone involved in 'The Bell Curve' needs to be towed out to sea and sunk by naval gunfire.
Uncle Smut (may I call you "Uncle Smut"?) —
I recently had a Lyme Disease ("Actual Lyme Disease") scare, but it turned out I had a massive ear infection that went untreated for nearly two weeks because everyone was very sure I had Lyme and it takes that long for a Western Blot to come back, apparently. My increasing fever is the only thing that allowed me to get an antibiotic before the test results came back. Anyway! I am feeling right as the mail (federal, not Daily) now, and in a convenient interstice between thunderstorms I thought I would bring you the following.
I put "すまあと" (suma-ato) into Google Translate in a pyramid configuration (this is not, strictly speaking, how one would render "smut" in Japanese phonetically; it would actually be "スマーット" (sumaatto), probably, but those results were less comical). This is not so magnificent as many of the things you've posted here at Riddled, but something is often better than nothing, so:
Susuma Afterwards
Susuma Afterwards Sometime later
Susuma Afterwards Sometime later
Susuma Afterwards Sometime later
Susuma Satuma Sometimes it is fine Sometime moreover,
Susuma Satuma Sometimes it is fine Sometime more than Sometime later
Susuma Satuma Sometimes it is fine Sometime more than Sometime later
Susuma Satuma Sometimes it is fine Sometime more than Sometime later
Susuma Satuma Something Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Satisfied
Susumu Satuma Sometime later Suma tomorrow Sumatisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Guidelines
Susumu Satuma Sometime Sometime later Suma tomorrow Sometime, Saturdays and Sometimes later Suma tomorrow later
Susumu Satuma Satumama Sometime Sometime later Sumataka do sorry Sometimes Suma tomorrow Sorry, too much
Susumu Satuma Satuma Something Sometime Sometime Sometime, Sometime Sometime, Sometime Sometime, Sometime Saturday, Saturday Satisfaction Satisfaction Guarantee
Susuma Atsuma Satuma Satuma Sometime Sometime later Sumatisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Guidelines
Suma Toumama Satuma Satuma Satuma Sometime Sometime later Sumataka do sama Sumitenly Spacious space Sometimes sometime later
Suma Tomoto Satumama Satuma Satuma Satuma Sometime later Sumatisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Guidelines
And I have the screencaps to prove it.
Yastreblyansky has composed some excellent Katakana poetry:
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