Not everyone was reading all the way from the start, of course, so for the benefit of newcomers, I tried to put together a precis of the dramatis personae and the twisty-turnies of the plot so far. May involve run-on sentences:
Helpful clarifying diagram
Siblings Trevor Banks and Lesley Hutchings (née Banks) worked for David Noakes, spamming his blood-derived GcMAF cure-all on bulletin boards and patient-support forums, before entering into competition with Noakes with their own companies and websites; later to go their separate ways (Lesley taking custody of the lotion side of their business, Trevor taking the Cytonics / Cytoinnovations brand). In a parallel plot thread they worked with married couple Doug and Amanda Mary Jewell, who came into the GcMAF business from a therapeutic business involving malpractice and mismanagement at a Bulgarian hotel [think 'Fawlty Towers' with bleach enemas]... that collaboration went tits-up when their 1stProEngineering website morphed into multiple instantiations, with hacking-related explanations for customers who lost their money; before Amanda Mary split from Doug and was last seen in Belize, complaining of conspiracies and persecution, after a stint of medical cosplay at a cancer-scam clinic in Mexico. All intertwined with other sub-plots involving Marco Ruggiero, his insider takeover of Noakes' business, and his post-GcMAF product-range that so far includes 'Bravo'© Magic Yoghurt, Non-Dairy Yoghurt, GOleic©, and Rerum©.
Artist's re-creation of
Ruggiero discovering Rerum
Also Snuggles is a lick arse, Milton is a toffee nosed git and Quacky is a self-righteous blowhard...
Snuggles, Milton and Quacky

The enmeshed familial backgrounds lend an additional frisson of excitement to the alliances and internecine estrangements that enliven the plot, IMHO.
But with Lesley and her erstwhile employer / competitor Noakes both sidelined and lying low as they await court appearances,* the plot has encountered an impasse and entered the doldrums, or possibly vice versa. Trevor has set aside his client-base in Latin America [a collaboration with Kerri Rivera, another of the bleach-enema Banditti] to focus on promoting his 'Omnia Vitality' imitation of Ruggiero Rerum.** We are unsure of which direction to steer in.
1. Another Kiwi vouchsafed the idea of bringing previously-peripheral characters to centre-stage, which would (in his words) "Liven up the story like bacon does to Brussels sprouts". There is, for instance, third sibling Lynda Thyer (née Banks), who assisted Noakes at his GcMAF

2. Part of the in-universe belief system is that a normal and essential human enzyme, 'nagalase', is actually a sign of cancer or extraneous infection or vaccination-borne nanobot infestation. Thus regular Nagalase blood tests are an obligatory component of diagnosis and for monitoring improvement. Still somewhere in Bulgaria, Douglas Jewell has registered the domains and¹ No website has been built there yet, so we cannot be sure whether he proposes to expland into India (an under-exploited, largely-untouched market), or whether the target is local... it may be that Indian pharmaceutical suppliers enjoy a special level of esteem and credibility in the minds of the Bulgarian public. We should not forget the Indian snake-deity connotations of "Naga".

Doug also targets Bulgarian suckers with an Indian-themed supplement-pill webstore "Bangalore Biotechnologies": a.k.a. Mantaray Supplements. Registering domains through Iceland -- because cyberpiracy!! -- with his new e-address,
.²These "New World" stylings are suitably ominous and post-apocalyptic, with echoes of Doug's earlier Wayward-Pines-themed Apocalypse Survival Ark scam. It would be easy to devote more flashback episodes to more of Doug Jewell's Bulgarian exploits but I am concerned that this would rob his character of all plausibility.

Those stylings also echo Doug's speculative £207,725 budget for a Nagalase / GcMAF-testing laboratory, "Project Better World", from January 2017 [with conversion from Central African Francs]... uploaded to the Interlattice by an unfamiliar personage, under circumstances that are cloud-bound and whereabouts unknown, with no indication of the prospective funding source at whom the pitch was directed. Will all this end well? Magic 8-Ball says "Doubtful".
3. Greenish Hugh was all for "making a teaser trailer for a future episode and running it up the flagpole to see if the wheels fall off."
4. It will all be easier to choose between these options when we decide whether the GcMAF Saga is an interminable multi-generational soap-opera or a Jacobean Revenge Tragedy that ends with everyone dead. Personally I am nostalgic for the Fosdyke Saga.

[Thx Dora, Malarkey!]
* David Noakes is unclear on the concept of "low profile". His legal imbroglio has inspired an epic tear-drenched anonymous whine in his media outlet. Pro-Tip: When harping on the triviality of one's alleged naughtiness, DO NOT MENTION the potential 10- or 18-year sentence.You can be dragged out of England, because of a misunderstanding, or French corruption, as is happening to David Noakes, and put into a French prison, amongst the worst in Europe. [...]Not content with settling scores through poison-pen websites and borough-newspaper-related activities, Noakes has been inducted to the prestigious Board of Governators of an antivax Alt-Med Food Purity group, the National Health Federation. In return he publishes glowing advertorials for that group's international coat-tail-riding antivax agitation:
In David’s case the French prosecutors were OCLAESP, the utterly corrupt heath department of the Gendarmerie, who presented charges that were clearly perjury. And French judges listen to the prosecution; they don’t care about the defence.
They want to send him to prison for 10 years. There is no offset - he might do 18 years, and at 64, with squalor, rats, cockroaches, fist fights and daily homosexual rapes, there is no way he would survive.
The National Health Federation (NHF) President Scott Tips was one of the speakers at the Trieste event, which was attended by at least 2000 intelligent and well-informed parents and activists. His talk, even though very badly translated into Italian by his interpreter, was well received by the enthusiastic and vocal crowd.
[Also featured at NHF site]
The NHF has a general convergence of interests with Noakes' Alt-Right politics, for neo-nationalist groups like the UKIP and the Italian 5-Star Movement have assimilated antivax anxieties, making them fellow-travellers. Thus Tips of the NHF was another speaker at the 2016 GcMAF Scamboree, while much of the material at Noakes' vanity sites is copied from or repeated at the NHF (e.g.
and here).But the NHF may have not thought through their decision to recruit our man... for when you lie down with dogs

...not one word can be broadcast by the BBC unless it goes through the German Siemens company's network systems. The Zionists who own Siemens control the BBC's output, and have done for at least 10 years.** Trevor was in Croatia last December, peddling Omnia and passing on his expertise in Dark-Field Microscopy.
*** The listed address of Lynda's new company "Healing Supplements Ltd", in Dover, previously housed "Immunology Ltd." (with Lynda Banks as Director / Secretary) and then the three-generation family vehicle "Cytoinnovations". Trevor and Lesley also traded from there back when they were still in the building recycling / restoration trade.
1. The domain
was unavailable because Trevor Banks bought it in 2015.2. The "" webmail service was evidently an off-shoot of the "Before it's news" Alex-Jones-wannabees. One might acquire one of their e-addresses if, for instance, you wanted to infiltrate a group of conspiracy loons, and needed to signal your conspiracy-mindedness. Conversely, if you're using an
address to register domains, you'd just be a gullible loon.
We distribute GcMaf worldwide, we distribute from USA, Mexico, Europe and Canada, we dispatch Monday – Friday. Please complete the below and return it to me completed via email. Payment instructions will be emailed. We will process your order up-on receipt of payment.
Oral Colostrum Maf pills. 60 pills per unit 200
500ng Maf Spray
minimum 80 sprays per unit 170
2,500ng Maf Spray minimum 80 sprays per unit 290.00
15,000ng Maf Spray minimum 80 sprays per unit 356.20
1,000ng Maf Vial
2.5ml/cc in each vial 224.80
1,500ng Maf Vial
2.5ml/cc in each vial 273.20
7,500ng Maf Vial
2.5ml/cc in each vial 348.00
Delivery 30.00
Please fill in the below details if wishing to order any of the above products.
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Country: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Zip Code: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Telephone: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Payment Details
Payments can be made to PayPal or by bank transfer. Details on request.
If you would like a protocol drawn up or need to contact me please e mail:
It is not entirely clear why "" has copy-pasted a price-list from Amanda Mary Jewell's scamsite,
If the idea is to show that AMJ is a shameless charlatan and a blight upon the landscape, we knew that already.
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