HA HA these suggestions are only japes of the leg-pull variety,and as any fule kno the image [above left] is really Marco Ruggiero -- a person of interest to Riddled -- ultra- scanning his head, using a LA523 linear-array soft-tissue probe (rather than a transcranial probe designed for the task of sending pulses through the skull and getting back a detectable echo) (because reasons).
Colour-coded like a tequila hangover
it is not surprising that there are genes in our DNA that are turned on by ultrasounds, and, by a leap of imagination, we could visualize someday having a remote control that lets us turn on or off genes [...] we noticed that ultrasound at certain frequencies can kill cancer cells, leaving the healthy cells unharmed.
Published results in prestigious journals focussed on the implication of this research for ME/CFS, which is why they featured transcranial scans of individuals (the authors) without ME/CFS.

The resulting choppy seas of ripples and artefacts reveal -- when viewed through the eyes of faith -- such fine structures as Cortical Layers V and VI, while closer to the surface, the main reflective density-discontinuity is identified as the temporal bone itself, 1.4-1.6 mm thick. Other ripples are the dura mater, 3.8-5 mm thick, and the subarachnoidal space, 0.6 mm. These values would be publishable in themselves, as usual widths for these structures have ranges like 2.5-5 mm, 1 mm and 3 mm respectively.* Perhaps the authors shared the same aberrant cranial anatomy, or their skulls had been pared down to eggshells by the ultrasound radiation.

Above: Twenty-seven 8-by-10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the
back of each one explaining what each one was
So last Thursday night after the Old Entomologist Chaetognatha Phylogeny Debate Club and Poetry Slam, and after several pints of Old Iambic Pentametric Porter [brewed with real Iams for extra Taurine], we were inspired to put these discoveries to the test of replication, having exhausted the limerick-rhyme possibilities of 'chaetognatha'.
The contents of Another Kiwi's temporal lobe were not organised quite as neatly as we had anticipated.
Pay no attention to Open Mike's complaints about "Can't find my pate" side-effects, he is just acting out and being a sook.

It was rather disturbing to find that the contents of Space-Time Eddie's skull were looking back at us.
Then we were subject to fits of hysterica shouting and even laughter, which could be the first signs of Sonic Attack, or just the usual sequelae of Old Iambic.
* In another paper from the same group, Bradstreet et al. report that the subarachnoidal space is non-echoic and is vanishingly thin in normal children ("< 0.05 cm"), citing Authorities:consistent with published observations of equally minimal EAF in children ages 2 and older (Lam et al., 2001), i.e., measuring <0.03 cm.Thus we must question these authors' ability to read as well as their radiographic competence, for the actual values in Lam et al. are larger by a factor of 10, while in practice the space is hypoechoic (because full of trabeculae).
When Marco Ruggiero attended the Inaugural GcMAF Congress (in Frankfurt, April 2013) as the newly-appointed Scientific Director of Immuno Biotech, his head-scanning party trick was hailed as one of the Highlights :Professor Ruggiero demonstrated transcranial sonography, where the effects of an administration of GcMAF can be immediately seen on brain scans, and how the same technology can be used to improve the wellbeing of those with ME/CFS.

Such was its success that popular demand insisted a repeat performance at the 2nd GcMAF Congress (in Dubai, December 2013). Here Ruggiero passed on his expertise in repurposing ultrasonography equipment, finding meningeal details unknown to mainstream anatomy, and restoring brain function by way of sonic massage, all with professional-development points:

Alas, the recent disappearance of the "gcmafconference.org" website leaves us without the details of the professional body providing the Level One Certification.
Ruggiero was also a major attraction at the 3rd Congress (back in Frankfurt in 2014), but he was occupied by new responsibilities and collaborations with the DrReinwald Group -- purveyors of diet supplements, magic water and coloured-light-and-theremin-music Healing Machines, also co-sponsor of the Congress. So no ultrasonography on show CHIZ CHIZ.
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