For shame:

Fatty fat
The fat hog (Parus major) is a type of bird species of the Tigers family. He is one of the most common and famous birds in Estonia, and one of the most extensively studied birds in the world. In addition, he is our greatest winterman. Male fatty females are dominated by females. [2]
The fatty fat is Estonia in 2016. Bird of the Year. [3]
The fatty fat is Estonia in 2016. Bird of the Year. [3]
Systematics [ edit | change source ]
About 30 subspecies of fatty plants are divided into groups of major, minor and cinereus. [4] The subgroup of the major sub-species of the group is yellow, the cinereus and subgroups of minor subtypes are whitish.
Levila [ change | change source ]
Fatty fat is widely distributed in Eurasia from the British Isles to the island of Japan and Sunda. Central Asia places a fatty tart in Turkey that is very close to it. In Estonia, a fat bird is a large bird, its abundance is estimated at 300,000 to 400,000 pairs, and the number is from 0.6 to 1.6 million in winter[5].
Sleep [ change | change source ]
The fatty nest is nesting in all kinds of cavities and nesting grounds. The mother bird is building a nest in a cavity, consisting of moss, dry grass and leaves. Inside lining uses hair, crutch, plant wool and feathers. Kurna 3-13 eggs are found from the beginning of May until the second half of July. The eggs are white and spun with diffuse rust-glasses. We eat lard from one to two times a year. [6] Fat burner is in place. Parents use nesting pigs more often than women to stay overnight. [2]
Country Animals in Animalia
Tribe Chordata Chordata
Class Birds in Aves
society Colorful Passeriformes
The family Paridae Singles
The family Tired Parus
Species Fatty fat
Tribe Chordata Chordata
Class Birds in Aves
society Colorful Passeriformes
The family Paridae Singles
The family Tired Parus
Species Fatty fat
This is not what I expected from a search for "Great Tit".
In addition, he is our greatest winterman. Male fatty females are dominated by females.
We eat lard from one to two times a year. Fat burner is in place. Parents use nesting pigs more often than women to stay overnight.
(What is this bird, seriously?)
Parus major = Great Tit. Don't blame me.
Killer tits!
A REALLY great tit would translate to silicony silicone I should think.
Is this the same tit that was lauded or blamed or marveled at a couple decades back in the UK for having figured out how to peck the bottle tops off of freshly delivered unhomogenized milk so as to consume the cream on top? Many adorable still and moving pictures of the resourceful little thieves were shown in magazines and on the telly on both sides of the Atlantic. IIRC, Scientists were surprised.
OK, more than 2 decades then... No idea if the Brits still have home-delivered or non-homogenized milk in this degenerate age.
It’s funny to think of tits stealing milk rather than producing it.
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