London, sun-soaked jewel of the South Pacific...

Wellington, capital of New Zealand (population 67,659,683), where the languages are English, Maori and Lorem Ipsum...
This is just really sad now.
OK. There exists IASED ("International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development"), whose physical address is an anonymising / virtual-office service in Hong Kong (popular among tax-evaders and money-launderers). They have one telephone number, and a secretary who is willing to pander to a caller's tastes by becoming Ms.Amy L. P. Yeung; Ms. Jessily D. M. Cheung; Ms. Yedda Q. Ye; Ms. Anna H.M. Wong; or Ms. Tiya T. Deng (among others) depending on the nature of the call. For IASED exists primarily to instantiate ad-hoc professional and academic bodies from its flanks... bodies that exist primarily to arrange scabby little scamferences at monthly intervals around the world, while inviting suckers to pay $570 of their employers' money so as to attend.
The IASED-spawned CCVPR, JCRAM, ICCSSE and ISEEIE all invite you to their December meetings at the James Cook Grand Chancellor hotel in Wellyton, in the same three days (13th-15th Dec) and indeed in the same conference room.

Assuming that the staff have cleaned up the room after the hard-core festivities of 10-12 December, when the IASED sockpuppets ICCAEE, JCMME and JCRAI hold their combined monthly meeting.
Many of these meetings were initially promoted as occurring under the auspices of the Museum of New Zealand (which came as a surprise to the not-well-pleased Museum)...*
... or at the Wellington Convention Centre.
This has the minor disadvantage of not existing, forcing the scammers to relocate to the James Cook hotel. Updates will follow if I hear back from the hoteliers.
[Thx John Chen for the heads-up and for research]
* Museum, not-well-pleased:
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