This post was earlier cross-posted at Leonid Schneider's site, hence the unfrivolous tone. The version there is improved by Leonid's frame-story and integration of the contributions from TigerBB8. A pseudonymous commentor pointed out there that we had neglected the 'citation plantation' aspect, thereby pointing the finger at Yiyang Yao when in likelihood the real culprit is Luming Zhang. There WILL BE a sequel!
When a journal retracts 14 papers at once - the entire contents of a Special Issue - something is probably happening behind the scenes. Here I may be working the Retraction Watch side of the street, but the story provides enough entertainment for everyone. Also, there are digital doppelgangers and glitches in the Matrix!
The journal in question was Multimedia Tools & Applications, MTAP for short. No doubt this has its devoted readership of experts in multi-format cross-media data integration and analysis, but outside that circle, MTAP is perhaps best known for the 'peer-review piracy' episode last year. Authors had submitted manuscripts for editorial consideration, only to see them rejected (after long delays) on the advice of anonymous reviewers, then promptly appear in the same journal as the work of other authors. In fact this happened three times, with the same team of authorial frauds. Quoth RW:
Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), has retracted three papers by the same group of authors, all of which plagiarized from unpublished manuscripts by other people.[...]Now cursory inquiries revealed that Chao Xiong is a specialist in the nano-fields of thin-film deposition and opto-electronics. All credit to him for branching out into a new area, but he seems an unlikely choice for a peer-reviewer, so how he had access to the manuscripts he acquired was a mystery. Any thoughts that there might be two Chao Xiongs at the Changzhou Institute of Technology - one toiling in the groves of nanotech while the other robbed researchers - were dispelled by the presence of Acknowledgements, in the plagiarised papers and in ones by the optoelectronics Chao Xiong, to the same regional research grants. More to the point: the nanotech guy did claim credit for the plagiarisms in his ResearchGate entry (though he later scrubbed them out again).
There are four authors in common to all three manuscripts, but only one — corresponding author Chao Xiong of the Changzhou Institute of Technology in China — has responded to any queries from MTAP, according to the retraction notices.
Tiger notes:
Ever since Retraction Watch reported the retraction of his mysteriously plagiarized papers in August 2018, information regarding Xiong has quieted down gradually. His latest appearance on internet was from November 2018 when he was mentioned as the Vice Dean of the School of Electrical and Optoelectronic Engineering of Changzhou Institute of Technology. He is not listed on their leadership webpage any more but still is listed as an Associate Professor there.
At the time, the MTAP management promised a broader investigation:
We conducted an extensive investigation and found evidence that the peer-review process for a number of articles in MTAP may have been manipulated. [...] As this investigation is still ongoing, we are unable to disclose how the corresponding author of the retracted papers may have obtained unpublished material.This recent drainpipe-gurgling swirl of retractions seems to be part of that inquiry, for similar reasons motivated the depublications... combinations of piracy from unpublished manuscripts [presumably submitted to the journal]; false authorship; and falsified peer review. The editorial explanations themselves display a high degree of unacknowledged self-duplication:
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Internet-scale secret sharing algorithm with multimedia applications
The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article [1], which was published as part of special issue “Multi-source Weak Data Management using Big Data”, because its content has been duplicated from an unpublished manuscript authored by Her-Chang Chao and Tzuo-Yau Fan without permission. In addition, there is evidence suggesting authorship manipulation and an attempt to subvert the peer review process. Author Chao Xiong agrees to this retraction.
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Medical image encryption technique in big media environment
...because its content has been duplicated from an unpublished manuscript authored by Priya Selvam and Santhi Balachandran without permission. In addition, there is evidence suggesting authorship manipulation and an attempt to subvert the peer review process. Author Chao Xiong agrees to this retraction.
Now the Chao Xiong team, familiar from last year's round of thefts, account for only three of the present 14. So what of the other 11? Well, four of them were ostensibly the work of a team at "State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company" in Hangzhou, centred on Caiyou Zhang:
RETRACTED ARTICLE: A new deep representation for large-scale scene classification
Bo Dai, Feng Mei. Deliang Ji, Caiyou Zhang, Jia Shi
...because the article shows substantial overlap most notably with the article cited [2]. In addition, there is evidence of figure duplication without appropriate permission, as well as evidence suggesting authorship manipulation and an attempt to subvert the peer review process.
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Cross-camera multi-person tracking by leveraging fast graph mining algorithm
Caiyou Zhang, Yuteng Huang, Zhiqiang Wang, Hongcheng Jiang, Dongfeng Yan, Jun Cheng
... because part of its content has been duplicated from an unpublished manuscript authored by Her-Chang Chao and Tzuo-Yau Fan without permission. The article also shows substantial text overlap, most notably with the articles cited [2, 3]. In addition, there is evidence of figure duplication without appropriate permission, as well as evidence suggesting authorship manipulation and an attempt to subvert the peer review process.
Two more were signed by Zhengwei Jiang, also affiliated to the "State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou": "Camera network analysis for visual surveillance in industrial electronic context", and "Analysis of security operation and maintenance system using privacy utility in media environment" ("content has been duplicated without permission from unpublished manuscripts", "substantial text overlap", "evidence of figure duplication", "authorship manipulation and an attempt to subvert the peer review process"). Another was signed by Yuteng Huang who has the same employer, while two others were also Zhejiang-based. As for "Image denoising based on parallel K-singular value decomposition in cloud computing" ("there was evidence suggesting an attempt to subvert the peer review process"), it is reassuring to learn that Hongtao Gao was in the employ of the 'Department of Cyber Crime Investigation, Criminal Investigation Police University of China, Shenyang' when he signed it.
Anyway, we need not grieve for these retracted papers, because it is not yet GAME OVER. Even before they disappeared from MTAP with a rude gurgling noise, many had already earned themselves a second incarnation in the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCIR for short). Here is a glitch in the matrix; or a case of déjà lu:
Another glitch:

But there's more! For scrutiny detects papers which have not been taken out from MTAP and shot (yet), but which have already begun their second incarnation in JVCIR.
Oddly, in the doppelganger below, Caiyou Zhang as author of the 'original' has been replaced with Yiyang Yao. The duplicated Abstract has apparently been written by feeding text through a paper shredder and reassembling it, in hommage to the Burroughs-Gysin cut-up technique.
This article will be visual significance into the graphical guidance (the chart is a medium-sized join subgraph) Deep structure, from the level of learning a significant map The original image pixel to the object level graphic (oGL), and further Space level graphics (sGL). In particular, we first sample Super pixels from each image, and they are used as buildings Block of each object. In order to seamlessly describe different objects The number of oGLs is generated by spatial adjacent links The super pixel oGL object response mapping is obtained by obtaining Transfer the semantics of the image tag to oGL. As space The layout of the object plays an important role in the prominence of the object Based on the relevant learning distribution proposed sGL OGL position between. Finally, in order to imitate the” winner of all” Biological vision mechanism, the largest majority of voting programs The sGL of the image is probabilistically combined into a significant graph. Experimental results show that oGLs and sGLs capture the object level well And space-level visual cues, resulting in competitiveness Significant detection accuracy.
This process of parallel publication reached its acme with a four-fold paper. This appeared in MTAP - in a different Special Issue, on "Data Security in Multimedia Modeling" - and was retracted for the now-familiar reason of behind-the-scenes piracy:
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Moving object surveillance using object proposals and background prior prediction
Yiyang Yao, Jun Li, Tengfei Wu & Luming Zhang
...because its content has been duplicated from an unpublished manuscript submitted by a different group of authors. In addition, there is evidence suggesting authorship manipulation and an attempt to subvert the peer review process.
The main author promptly republished it in the same journal with different co-authors and a different title:
Efficient object analysis by leveraging deeply-trained object proposals prediction model
Bo Dai, Yiyang Yao, Wenjing Ye & Jing Zheng
Not satisfied that this plagiarised paper had reached its full potential, he went on to recycle both versions through JCVIR, where they appear in a single issue.
This is an egregious achievement, even by the standards of academic publishing, and deserves some sort of celebration.
Am I the only one struck by the emphasis in this genre on Big Data mass surveillance, and algorithmic segmentation of video scenes into individuals and backgrounds? It is almost as if a network of academics asked themselves "What sort of Cargo-Cult nonsense should we promise to get research funding from a dystopian government of authoritarians and kleptocrats?".
Things begin to make more sense - in a sufficiently broad sense of "sense" - when we check back to that MTAP Special Issue on “Multi-source Weak Data Management using Big Data” (a rubric now devoid of contents after all contributions were deemed to be plagiarised, and only accepted because of fake-author shenanigans and bogus peer review).
The name of the supervising Guest Editor should be familiar:
Tiger notes:
The special issue of MTAP had 5 guest editors to help organize it. Among them, the Leading guest editor is Yiyang Yao from the State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company (SGZEPC) in China, and Luming Zhang from Hefei University of Technology in China.
Sad to say, suspicion falls on Yiyang Yao. If, hypothetically, he had used his position as Reviewer and Guest Editor to run a rather amateur papermill (appropriating some manuscripts to repurpose them for his colleagues, and selling others to people in need of publications to adorn their CVs), the outcome would look very much like the situation we observe. Chao Xiong and his team would just be unusually regular customers.
Tiger notes:
Yao is a colleague of Caiyou Zhang at SGZEPC, while Luming Zhang is a collaborator of Caiyou Zhang. They three, together with Bo Dai, the first author of one of Caiyou Zhang’s 4 retracted papers from this special issue, have had close collaboration on more than one project. At least two of their collaborations ended up winning nominations (no information on final results) for a National Award on Electrical Engineering Science and Technology, in 2017 and 2018.
Based on available information on internet, Caiyou Zhang is in the high-level leadership of the SGZEPC and apparently Yiyang Yao's senior or even boss. In addition, Caiyou Zhang is the vice chief representative of CCP there.
What can be a reasonable speculation is that when Yao got the chance to organize a special issue (it could also be that the special issue was originally their idea proposed to the Journal), he immediately thought about to have his boss Caiyou Zhang to take advantage of the special issue he was leading the effort to organize. However, Caiyou Zhang might not have much to submit for publication. So, Yao was so nice to provide his own previously published paper to his boss to include in this special issue.
Coda 1
Here and here are 2017 and 2019 Abstracts, by Yiyang Yao and two otherwise-disjoint teams of co-authors, paper-shredded for connoisseurs of the cut-up tradition... either that, or Google Translate was drunk that day. They are not yet unretracted
Image quality tendency modeling by fusing multiple visual cues
Yiyang Yao, Tengfei Wu & Jun Li
Image quality tendency modeling by fusing multiple visual cues
Wenjie Zhang, Yiyang Yao, Jinxion Wang, Xinyu Xiang & PengShu
If anything, the 2019 (JVCIR) instantiation of this Flickr-themed text is less grammatical than the 2017 version. It is like someone trained a neural network on the complete late works of Samuel Beckett. Perhaps it is deliberate, to veil the contents from the unknown original authors who might otherwise recognise their unpublished words in print.
Flickr is a photo/video hosting site with over 87 million user. Upload more than 3 million 500 thousand new photos every day at present there are no tools to organize these huge numbers of users aesthetic tendency. Although Flickr allows users manually adding different groups, they are difficult to maintain Updates should be made when new users are added or deleted. In this paper puts forward a series of Flickr users system. Each loop contains similar users aesthetic tendency. We observed: (1) an aesthetic model of thought should be flexible, because of different visual features typically represent different data sets, and (2) Significant differences in the number of photos from different Flickr users stay. In this work, a new probabilistic topic model is proposed describe the aesthetic interest of each Flickr user potential spatial distribution. After that, an affinity graph is similarity is described by aesthetics interests of Flickr users. Obviously, intensive users of Flickr are similar in taste. Thus, these users are divided into different Flickr bounds efficient dense graph discovery. Piping it is proposed that the Flickr bound discovery is fully automatic. Extensive we show that our proposed method is accurate for mine Flickr experiments 60,000 Flickr user community.But wait! There's more! For a third instantiation of the same Abstract had already found its way into MTAP, this time attached to different authorship and text. In fact it is the 14th recently-retracted entry, previously unmentioned, from that “Multi-source Weak Data Management using Big Data” Special Issue.
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Flickr image quality evaluation by deeply fusing heterogeneous visual cues
Yongjun Zheng, Weiyu Di & Shen Jiang
... because its content has been duplicated without permission from unpublished manuscripts authored by Sandeep Sood and by Pegah Nikbakht, Mojtaba Mahdavi, Shahram Etemadi and Sima Arasteh. The article also shows substantial overlap with a published article [2]. In addition, there is evidence suggesting authorship manipulation and an attempt to subvert the peer review process.
Despite the seemingly-focused title, this third paper is longer, and globally incoherent;

[Original at right: FB connectivity diagram from Sawicki, 2012]
Some Figures re-appeared in the bilocating "image quality tendency modeling" paper(s) already adduced.But though "Flickr image quality evaluation" is an unnatural hybrid which transgresses all the laws of literary lineage, it is also a kind of Ur-version, a textural trove to be plundered at leisure. So other Figures and many paragraphs of text found their way into a fourth publication, in MTAP again, retracted only hours ago:
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Large-scale image-based fog detection based on cloud platform
Chao Xiong, Ruxi Xiang, Yuan Li, Xia Han & Hongwei Du
... because its content has been duplicated from an unpublished manuscript authored by Sandeep Snood without permission. In addition, there is evidence suggesting authorship manipulation and an attempt to subvert the peer review process.

You probably recognise the name of the ostensible author, which brings us back to where we started.
None of this makes any sense and now I have a headache.
Coda 2
It is all alarums and excursions at JVCIR, and even as I write the duplicated publications are vanishing from existence, in the manner of the memory-erasure scene from "Eternal Sunshine". Perhaps the editors or managers read the Twiddle-box.
JVCIR has Special Issues of its own, and the papers briefly resurrected from MTAP all fell under the rubric of "Text-based Image/video Understanding in Social Media Context". I have not found any record of the Guest Editors responsible for selecting and scrutinising the short-lived contributions.
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