How can we enjoy the proper functions of the Interducts -- LOLcats and porn -- when there are truculent fuck-knuckles using it to seek like-minded skinbags, reinforce their alternative realities, and legitimise their fantasies of intimidation? People are wondering what it is about the US that produces an atmosphere of bellicose dumbness, where threats of violence seem to emerge from under every stone the moment a man who decisively won an election sets about implementing his campaign promises.
Perhaps it's something in the
MacDonalds food capsules.

A simpler theory has it that the politicians and media bottom-feeders fostering this inimical atmosphere are actually homicidal robots.
Koo Ark!
It's the Deros under Mount Shasta, using their Lemurian brain-rays to angry up the populace.
"An electronic robot, just as I thought!"
I'd thought it was the other kind.
Koo Ark??
Mamma weer all crazee now : nifty series. I eagerly await the next installment. (And of course, this helped me with collage assignment.)
"Come on Flamer" is not so civil either.
Working the Substance side of the street now, Riddlers?
Y'know, I was so taken with the little thing plaintively crying "Koo Ark" that I only just NOW noticed the crazy old man with the flannel pajama top and the blue underpants with the giant fountain pen. Is that what they use to sign those giant checks you see at the end of golf tourneys?
Working the Substance side of the street now, Riddlers?
Just wait for the next animated GIF or drag-&-drop feature.
the crazy old man with the flannel pajama top and the blue underpants with the giant fountain pen.
Digby is neither crazy nor old. He's just from Yorkshire.
the crazy old man with the flannel pajama top and the blue underpants with the giant fountain pen I was just walking past and thought I'd help out. Robot kids were on the lawn.
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