As you can see with the vision of your eyes, I am dressed for the part of a Decalced Dipsomath from the Plains of Varve. I accept no tergiversation from my involuntary students, so look likely now or feel the rhetorical point of my Trivium! I will make mock of your ancestral traditions; then you must make mock of mine own. If you can best me then you are free, perhaps to craft your own pelmet from deodand wood and become a Decalced Dipsomath in your turn. If you lose then prepare for obsquatulation!
Obstreperous jackanape! Your tumultuous hurlo-thrumbo of prose has overwhelmed my sensorium, leaving me bereft and befuddled.
In no way can you restore the stasis that prevailed before your rhodomontade assailed my delicate sensibilites- I would ask for remuneration, but such a gesture would be nuncupatory, at best.
(you misspelled "helmet")
(but your pet is very attractive - does it do tricks?)
And if I look un-likely?
Shouldn't we attempt dipsomathy before resorting to violence?
The times, the mores...
And if I look un-likely?
...what do you mean, "if"?
Well, it ain't real likely that I'M gonna look, that's fer sure...
But if I did I think a suggestion that you trim those nasty toenails wouldn't be beyond the pale...
ナイス ロクス
She got legs and she knows how to use 'em.
Obstreperous jackanape!
I pay no heed to the braggadocio of blaggarts, concerned as I am only with thoughts of my costume for National Act Like a James Branch Cabell Character Day.
And if I look un-likely?
I would fix it to read 'look lively', but then people would complain that their comments no longer make sense, which they purportedly do at the moment.
(you misspelled "helmet")
A pelmet is a small pelm, as any fule kno.
I am prepared to absquatulate, win lose or draw.
You call it obsquatulation. In my day we had real obsquatulation. Your obsquats were never the same again
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