Contents to come later. When I get around to it. (sourced from Sub McG). Also UPDATED with improved version from Substance, using GIMP to encode the GIF more efficiently with deltas, and thereby fitting more colours into a smaller file.
Ummm, not to go all nit picky on your otherwise super-fine, highly innovative animation, but shouldn't the background be transparent?
I mean, I dunno, maybe you made aesthetic judgement far beyond my appreciative capacity (wouldn't be the first time, certainly), but I just wanted to put it out there. I once humiliated myself by excitedly telling Ansel Adams about Kodachrome, so...
An alternate method that might let you keep a more varied-in-colour Klavan might be to make AK (HA HA) the background and have the skull-opening animation plopped on top of it.
There is no there there!
P.S. Smut Clyde said...
I am sure that somewhere in the infinitely varied ecology of the Innertube, there is some blog making sufficiently little sense for ITTDGY's tastes.
11/05/2010 2:13 AM
hmpf. Bud Selig's used the same head concept for his baseball stadium YEARS ago.
Also, being a douche-canoe Republican, made everybody else pay for it.
WV is goard, which means something.
Ummm, not to go all nit picky on your otherwise super-fine, highly innovative animation, but shouldn't the background be transparent?
I mean, I dunno, maybe you made aesthetic judgement far beyond my appreciative capacity (wouldn't be the first time, certainly), but I just wanted to put it out there. I once humiliated myself by excitedly telling Ansel Adams about Kodachrome, so...
That is quite lovely.
An alternate method that might let you keep a more varied-in-colour Klavan might be to make AK (HA HA) the background and have the skull-opening animation plopped on top of it.
make AK (HA HA) the background and have the skull-opening animation plopped on top of it.
Honestly that never occurred to me.
Ooo, just thought of an even cheapskatier idea for something else.
Check your e-mail, Mr McG.
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