No problem; science has given us the gene-transfer transfection gun, propelling a spray of DNA-coated gold particles into the recipient cells.* I figure that if we transfer enough godmeat genes into a Theobroma cacao tissue culture then we can make Chocolate Jesus for the ritual meal** and no-one can complain about that.

We have called in AK to trim the plant to a more regular shape and thereby return the suburb to a state of well-ordered tranquility. All in accordance with the principle of Utopiary.
* "But wait!" the alert reader interjects. "Does not the human genome contain 12 strands of DNA, only two of them being material and known to science? Is this not a complicating factor? For I read about it in Pharyngula and it must be true."The six pairs of strands are called the 12-strand Spiritual DNA. In the 12-strand system, the first pair is physical and the other five pairs of strands are non-physical energy imprints in the human energy field.Indeed the reader is correct, though let the record show that Riddled was onto the 12-strand-genome story before that late-comer PZ Myers. Anyway, we are one step ahead, and we loaded the interfection gun with mono-atomic gold, which is also more advanced and spiritual and in a superconducting distributed quantum state of nuclear spin excitation, allowing it to transfer those additional strands.
... the human race was at several times in a high developed state of multidimensional consciousness - like Atlanteans - but was unplugged from their power through dark alien forces called Annunaki (Gods of the Sumerians) which intended to gain and maintain their power. So they first decided to do a genetic manipulation, which created the split brain. This separated the analytical part of a person's reasoning from their intuitive, emotional part and the problems associated from this can still be seen today. They then unplugged 10 of the 12 strands of DNA but left them there. Some of this is the chemical DNA that science calls "junk" DNA, the DNA that is just sitting there inside your cells, the other is the etheric DNA that exists in higher harmonics of frequency that you can't see with the naked eye.

Are those mice making catbread?
I don't care if it rains or freezes long as I get my chocolate Jesus.
Are those mice making catbread?
Yes, it is...and I DO NOT APPROVE. SHAN'T!
"inappropriate touching with the expensive copper-bottomed saucepan"
Indeed the reader is correct, though let the record show that Riddled was onto the 12-strand-genome story before that late-comer PZ Myers.
I'd also venture to say you probably had a beard before he did.
the human race was at several times in a high developed state of multidimensional consciousness - like Atlanteans
***PFFFFT*** These damn dilettants with their Atlantis this and their Lemuria that. DAMN IT, I'M A MU MAN!!!
The mice are Phelinestines.
Now that they're not feeding ground up old gods to gods that are being fattened for eating the prion problem is much reduced. Also, too, it is best to eat gods before they're older than three years.
Er, my "You Beaut" Arborist Set and Wonton Scoop, keeps turning into a marshmallow mouse whenever I get within 20 metres of that tree.
I distinctly remember putting up a sign saying "No Junk DNA" on the letterbox, can't people read?
I find the DNA transfer gun does not work well for strands 7-9.
And tigris is total LULZ.
OT: of possible interest to smut
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