Our cunning plan to publish a Delux Illustrated Edition of
Mythago Wood to mark its 30th anniversary and celebrate the life of
Robert Holdstock and make money has been stymied by the unreasonable expectation among illustrators of receiving some remuneration other than shiny milk-bottle caps and the occasional pint of wormwood ale.

Plan B is to steal the illustrations.

Dibs on the idea of a
Mythago Wood theme-park.
Dibs on the idea of a Mythago Wood theme-park.
LOL! This sounded familiar so I had to look it up. I read: "The wood is much, much bigger..."
Obviously written by a man... or thunder-member.
Reporter: I'd like to direct this question to messrs. Lennon and McCartney. In a recent article, Time magazine put down pop music. And they referred to "Day Tripper" as being about a prostitute...
Paul: Oh yeah.
Reporter: ...and "Norwegian Wood" as being about a lesbian.
Paul: Oh yeah.
Reporter: I just wanted to know what your intent was when you wrote it, and what your feeling is about the Time magazine criticism of the music that is being written today.
Paul: We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians, that's all
You gotta say it in your head in Paul's Liverpuddle.
THEN it's funny...
Dibs on the idea of a Mythago Wood theme-park.
Right. Know what'll come out of this? FIRRIES.
Or hard-to-get-at splinters.
Norwegian wood is about a lesbian? In my next adolescence could someone from the future leave some annotated histories around?
May 10, 2011 6:40 PM
So far over the line.
You gotta say it in your head in Paul's Liverpuddle.
The word is scouse, which is funny in itself.
Dammit. I didn't know he had died. I think the Mythago Woods theme park would suffer under adverse publicity when the 'live and breathe our common historic-mythic heritage' is revealed to include, 'be beaten, stabbed and maybe killed by our common historic-mythic heritage'.
I am only interested in theme parks that feature Jesus riding a dinosaur. Will your Mythago theme park TEACH THE CONTROVERSY, smut? I doubt it.
w/v obviously read Sub's post and gave me "dinsfir"
The picture at the bottom of the post is properly titled "The Attack of the Brussels Sprouts People".
And it is very disturbing...
I told her I didn't and crawled off to sleep in the bath
really?... there wasn't, like, an armchair, or a parson's bench or something? lesbianism (or prostitutity) is relatively unfurnished
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