Mrs Spat at the right. The 'yin' half is Doodleberry Fairypoo Pumpkinpie Detritus, Mrs Spat's BFF and not just a snack she is saving for later. They are the same age but he stopped growing at the usual size.

The truth is that actually she's a normal-sized cat but we filled the house with miniature furniture.
Dear Riddled Staff,
I am writing to complain about your blatantly false advertising. This entry promised FAIL, but is in fact chock-full of WIN. I would like a full refund.
Hatingly Yours,
Dear Ms Hater, please stay on the line, your call is important to us.
Hahhahahah no it's not hahahah
I'm on the phone, so you can't see me, but I am sticking out my tongue. So there!
Mrs Spat is not a dainty-eatin' cat.
Just don't let her eat other cats--that's catabalism.
Is getting a cat for your cat one of those recursive things you eat for breakfast? You inscrutable Kiwis!
We'll make great pets.
precouc, (old Fr, surfing term), before kook.
Oh how did I miss this?
Thanks for the kitty pr0n!
Doodleberry Fairypoo Pumpkinpie Detritus
Siamese seem to inspire awful names. Wonder if there's a reason.
The Frau Doktorin reminds me that I left out his middle name, Cupcake.
they appear catatonic.
Or even cataplexic...
so sweet. I wish our cats would stop hating each other.
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