Ah, Owlyglass. Did you fetch the polka-dot paint?
No, sir. I went across town to Vasari's Colour-Shop like you said, and asked, and they just laughed. And laughed. What now, sir?
This isn't the time, Owlyglass. Can't you see I'm busy drawing from life?
Oh hello Mrs Miggins. I didn't see you there. I thought you were an Allegory. Can I finish for the day, then?
Oh no no no. Tell you what, lad, you can fill in the last of the details around the edge of the Adoration of the Shepherds. That should keep you out of trouble until knock-off time.
Can I paint the angel in the top right with the speech-balloon ribbon?
Not after the last time. Shiplap will do that, he's the only apprentice I can trust. No, you do the pagan shrine on the left. Even you can't muck that up.
For feck's sake, lad, think fauns. Eagles. That sort of thing. Use your initiative. Run along now. Now where were we, Mrs Miggins?
* Totally not a gin cocktail made with artificial sweetener.
*checks Smut's nostrils for white residue* Good god, man--you are posting like a rabid ferret!
The alternative is to fill in 2 years of tax returns.
No, no...you made the right choice.
The Eagle and the faun appear to be verrry good friends. Is this normal? I don't remember that happening in "The Lion, the Witch, the Cook, his Thief and the Wardrobe".
The alternative is to fill in 2 years of tax returns.
Oh, snap! I think I'd rather eat toenails at this point.
Tax returns done! Yay me! Of course this just means that the Revenue Men will just go back to dunning me for the 2007-2008 tax year. They are Universal Dunners.
(cue ominous musik)
Dun DUN DUN!!!
Is it a gin cocktail with limited empathy and poorly developed abilities at social interaction?
Tell you what, lad, you can fill in the last of the details around the edge of the Adoration of the Shepherds.
Neal Horsley's favorite painting...
Even you can't muck that up.
I recommend replacing the "M" with some other consonant.
This is a family blog, Mr McGravitas.
But, I hasten to add, not THAT sort of family!
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