And it's another Merry Feckin' Christmas in the Clyde family home. We were a poor family so the boys could only expect a single shared present

(but you try telling that to the young people today) (and when I say "young people", I particularly mean the Doktorling Sonja and the extensive list of "totally non-mandatory gift suggestions, no pressure at all" that she is currently preparing).
In this scene from the family photo album you can see my brother and I fighting to see who can play on the Space-hopper first. We have already broken the swords and nunchucks that were at the top of the Christmas stocking. Trevor reckons that he gets first dibs because he is older, and entitled to wear the Ancestral Snail-Hat with Eyeballs on Stalks.

Note also that there is no place for birth-order prejudice in the
Riddled office.
No, Dad, don't stand on the space-hopper! You'll burst it!
Man, that's a HUGE sack of Lifesavers you guys have there. Which of you lost all your teeth and did the other get the Diabetis?
I suppose they kept you company while you were reading your books and waiting your turn on the bouncy ball. Watch out for the spikes!
What are you little perishers complaining about? You've two bleedin' Things there!
P.S.: Trevor? Ha ha, he got a sissy name!
I note that Smut's feet appear exactly as I portrayed them.
My antlers are smaller in this picture.
I see that you are jewish while your brother is not.
My antlers are smaller in this picture.
If you are still a member of the local Antling Club I await their request to top those with corks for safety.
Ruffed, trunk hosed Satan costume is the best Jesus Birthday gift EVAR.
OK, the horns, wings and chicken feet are all fine with me. I am open-minded and far beyond multicultural, all the way to multispecies-al, and these things bother me not in the least.
But what, pray tell, is the primary purpose behind the kneepads?
If you are still a member of the local Antling Club I await their request to top those with corks for safety.
Nanny stater!
What did you expect? He's canadian.
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