My suspicion is that the ants were planning to use their 'Z' by extending 'WAY' into 'WAYZGOOSE', which would put them well in the lead, what with the triple-word square and all.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Freedom's just another word that scores 13 points, not counting double-letter squares
If there is one thing I have learned from considering her ways, it is that ants cannot be trusted in a Scrabble game for they are inveterate cheats. Evangeline van Holsterin carelessly left her idiot boyfriend in charge of her tiles for one round while she nipped back into the bar. But sure as eggs and entropy and various other things beginning with 'e', he has dozed off, perhaps believing himself to be a swain in a bucolic Poussin landscape or a Virgilian pastoral eclogue, in which swains are always aslumber beneath the leafy boskage, unless they are plighting their troth. This has to be done several times a day in hot weather or else the troths go off and are no use to man nor beast.
While we wait for him to make his move Another Kiwi and I are passing the time testing the new novelty backpack from the Riddled merchandise shop, and Greenish Hugh is showing how to construct an ocarina from everyday household items. But notice how the ants have swapped their spare 'A' for the 'G' that Evangeline was saving. She is back now with a packet of crisps and a slice of Mrs Miggins' jellyfish pizza, and she is not well-pleased. I do not think he will get lucky tonight.
My suspicion is that the ants were planning to use their 'Z' by extending 'WAY' into 'WAYZGOOSE', which would put them well in the lead, what with the triple-word square and all.
My suspicion is that the ants were planning to use their 'Z' by extending 'WAY' into 'WAYZGOOSE', which would put them well in the lead, what with the triple-word square and all.
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it is that ants cannot be trusted in a Scrabble game for they are inveterate cheats.
So it's ants I've been playing all this time!
Poussin landscape or a Virgilian pastoral eclogue, in which swains are always aslumber beneath the leafy boskage, unless they are plighting their troth.
OK, so that's what swains do. What do beaus do?
w/v says that better be my "foinal" question.
Actually, they are invertebrate cheats
Damn you Trevor. Beat me to it.
I once constructed an ocarina from my herb garden. I called it my ocarina of thyme.
Holy frig!!
I need to google a whole lotta words in order to be able to understand this.
The only word I knew was Scrabble.
Welcome to Riddled!
[stealing comment from 3Bulls Words of Wisdom]
"I only understood about 30% of this post, but I loved it!"
w/v is sedagyp, and apparently w/v is fond of racial slurs.
Believe me, you wanna keep that backpack well fed or you might as well be F'd.
Isaac Barrow's son, Wheel, went into the transportation business.
Is "fd" a word? AFAF
I would like to know: is the gibbet in the background for the loser? You folks are more serious about your scrabble than I am.
“By walking lengthwise down the grave, he can tell the height of the deceased, he said. The rod in the right hand swings to the right if the remains belonged to a male and left if female, he said. A person born in the Southern Hemisphere has reversed polarity, Estes added.”
I think this means Southern Hemisphere people should be kept down there.
But there's always something left to be lost.
Love this indirect communication here, though in real life much prefer unadorned directness.
Is "fd" a word?
No. Vacuumslayer's friend misses a turn.
"Oe" is not a word either, whatever the Scrabble dictionary may say.
I maintain that the Official Scrabble Dictionary is not a dictionary according to the dictionary definition of 'dictionary'. It is the lexicographic equivalent of Viscount Monckton calling himself a 'scientist'.
The Official Scrabble List sounds even more boring than The Official Scrabble Dictionary so Dictionary it is.
Is "unpalch" a word. AFWV
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