What would normally be a haven of tranquillity and contemplation and dulcet voices raised in a chorus of "Friggin' in the Riggin'" is now a pullulating sea of high-pitched young persons in a state of pleasurable trepidation. They even followed me when I stomped off up the hill towards Hole 3 (the Blasted Tree; par 4) in a state of high gudgeon, calling out coarse epithets which it is not necessary to repeat here.
AK was better-prepared. In the foreground he is showing off the Bag-o-Poo that he will dole out to the next little fecker who honey-badgers him for a 'trick or treat'. No wonder tigris is wiping her nose on a fruitbat. He has shortened his name to 'A' because we are all on first-name terms, and in the hope of remaining anonymous.
At E, Greenish Hugh is performing another of his celebrated Max Ernst Painting Reenactments. Sometimes I suspect that he is not entirely clear on the concept.
I can already tell this post is just B^4 bait. If you're so hot for Sexy Mustard, just google it yourself, pervert.
Nice hat!, A.K.
(IF that is your real name!)
Sure, ok.
No, no, I GET it. I do.
But pray tell, why are the pigs so angry?
The birds are angry, it's the pigs who are smug.
Wouldn't you like to four-score with Sexy Abe Lincoln?
You evoked E, painting and concept in one post.
Title change!
You can't escape the E painting concept monster with a title change.
Max Ernst Painting Reenactments
Huh, I thought it was l'apres-midi d'un Vert-Jaune.
I'm glad Thundra likes the hat, I found it in a dumpster outside a very posh tattooist down by the wharves.
The thing about the E painting is that you all buy it but we will be unveiling a new platform for it called Eezel next year and it will be incompatible with this system. it will, however, allow you to choose between 5 different painting themes. Indulge your creativity!
Also bears not pigs and ignore the stoning going on in the background, it's the Romney campaign distributing canned goods to the poors, good and hard.
The guy on the left of the trio in the right foreground is making a certain gesture that I think we all understand.
What's par for Hole D? Looks tough.
And which Gudgeon were you aboard?
Submarines named after the gudgeon? Freals?
I am disappoint by the absence of a USS Goby. The existence of a USS Turbot and a USS Halibut goes only so far to assuage my sorrow.
The guy on the left of the trio in the right foreground is making a certain gesture
AK's bag-a-poo has not gone unnoticed.
Sexy Mustard. NOT SEXY FOR WORK!
(Sorry, no treat, just a trick: That part of Scorpio Rising isn't easily available & I still have to oil/lube the anti-moocher bear-traps.)
ignore the stoning going on in the background
Those people at Hole C are picking up the balls to drop them in the hole. That is neither cricket nor minigolf.
Perfectly acceptable for mini golf, should one be fully armed.
also bears not pigs
So they would have you believe.
All of us bear a pig.
Those people at Hole C are picking up the balls to drop them in the hole. That is neither cricket nor minigolf.
But is it cornhole?
I dare you to click on that link.
Don't hog that beer, merc.
I got your cornhole game here, BBBB.
Always with the obey.
Cornhole studies include Townshend, P. (1982). Bao (mankala): the Swahili ethic in African idiom. Paideuma 28:175-191.
After "It's Hard" Pete probably needed a rest.
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